Jump Start # 1078

Jump Start # 1078

Acts 2:46 “Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart.”

  Folks that know me, especially the home congregation, know that I love Sunday. Sunday is the best day of the week. Our routines are different on Sunday. We get to see each other on Sundays. Our attention and emphasis is upon praising and worshipping God that day. Sundays are great. I wish every day was a Sunday. But they are not. Some days are Mondays. Some days are Fridays. Some days we can seem so far away from Sunday. Some days the chaos of life can make it seem like Sunday may never come.


Our verse today reminds us that the first Christians were connecting with each other and with God every day. “Day by day” is the expression. Day by day they were eating together. Day by day they were teaching and learning. Day by day. We read this and think, “Didn’t they ever go to work?” Where does the kid’s soccer practice fit in? Did they have nothing else to do? We don’t know all those details. We know that they were people like us, and like us, it’s a thoughtful and purposeful choice that we must make to stay focused and connected to the Lord. It’s important to do that. If the totality of our spiritual life is lived on Sunday at the church building, we will suffer greatly. Satan’s attacks are stronger away from the church building and when we are together. Fear and worry are greater when we are by ourselves. The lion, which Peter compares Satan to, looks for the animal that has strayed away from the flock. He’s eyes are upon the one that is vulnerable. Together we are strong. Together we are encouraged. Together we believe we can make it.


Day by day…how do we do that? How is it possible, especially in urban congregations when we are spread out, shopping at different places, unlike the first Christians seeing each other in the daily market places, working in different places and not seeing each other? Is it possible in these days to keep a “day by day” relationship with each other?


We may not be able to be with everyone day by day as the first Christians were, but there are wonderful and powerful ways to stay connected with each other. This is a choice we must make. This choice involves looking and finding ways to be with each other. This choice sees the positive value of Christian relationships. There is no reason for any Christian to feel alone.


Here are a few suggestions:


  • Use your time in the car to call someone in your church family. Just a short “hi, I was thinking about you today,” can be all it takes to make someone’s day. Talk to the elders once a week. This helps them and this helps you. Sitting in airports, construction traffic, waiting on the kids—use the time for good. Prayer time. Connecting time.


  • Use social media to stay connected. Facebook messages, email’s are a great way to connect with others, ask questions, let others know that you are praying for them. Just a short note can do so much to encourage another.


  • Have lunch with others. This helps when you work in the same area as others. During lunch allows you to draw closer to others. It can be a time to have prayer together. It can be an opportunity to have a Bible study. In time, deeper relationships are formed. Serious conversations can take place.


  • Have families over for dinner. This is a great way to know others. The meal doesn’t have to be over the top. It can be simple things. You are not showing off, you are drawing closer to each other. Have a couple you know well and a couple you do not know well. This expands your relationships, fellowship and friendships.


  • Go to events, such as ballgames, concerts, movies, vacations with others. This is a great way to share wonderful memories.


All of us need those close ties in Christ. It makes a difference in our lives. Those that don’t build those relationships, will often turn to family and friends for advice. Often that advice may not be Biblical, helpful or accurate. They may be encouraged to leave a marriage, when they should have hung in there and got things going. They may be encourage to skip services to do family things. They become weaker by spending time with weaker people. Strong Christians recognize the importance of surrounding themselves with spiritual giants.


Day by day. It’s powerful, it’s wonderful, it’s the next best thing to Sundays.


We are one day closer to Heaven…then we will never be separated again!




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