Jump Start # 1202


Jump Start # 1202

Acts 13:36 “For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, feel asleep, and was laid among his fathers and underwent decay.”


Our passage today comes from a sermon from the apostle Paul. Multiple times in this chapter Paul addresses the resurrection of Christ. That is the glowing triumph of the Gospel message. Jesus lives. The resurrection was a death blow to Satan and the hope of every believer. This world is not my home is a reality because of that resurrection.


In the midst of this discussion Paul refers to David, the greatest king of Israel. Generations after David, good kinds, such as Hezekiah would be connected and referred to as “son of David.” Even Jesus was often called “the son of David.”


Our verse in particular draws our attention to two key thoughts.


First, David served the purpose of God. That’s what each of us need to be doing. If we are not doing that, then whose purpose are we serving? Self? Satan’s? God’s purpose defines and identifies what our life is like. Our choices, our decisions, our plans are driven by the desire to serve the purpose of God. The Lord wants us to be His people. Righteous, holy and godly—making a difference in our families and in our communities. This is what God wants. God has a purpose for us and we must make that purpose our purpose. This must be what we are about.


Second, David served God’s purpose in his own generation. To often we put too much emphasis upon a legacy and worrying about what follows us. David served God’s purpose in his generation. Each generation has it’s own opportunities, challenges, difficulties and blessings. Solomon, who was of the next generation, would be the temple builder. After Solomon, the kingdom divided because of some unwise decisions by his son. Each was responsible for what they could do. We can prepare the next generation. We can leave things in good order for the next generation. But the bottom line, each must see to it that they serve God in their generation.


So we do this by worshipping God, raising Godly families and standing for Christ. We shake and shine the light of Christ the best we can. We are hopeful, prayerful and Biblical the best we can. This generation. My generation. The World War II generation has been referred to as the greatest generation. And it seems each generation has a special designation. There are baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and many other that I do not know. Now is the time we do what we can. Now is the opportunity before us. For many people and many churches, the best days are behind them. They are living in memories. Others live for the future, thinking of the time when the kids are raised, or they are retired. Now is the moment. Now is the time.


David got that. He served the purpose of God in his generation.


May we do the same.




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