Jump Start # 1821

Jump Start # 1821

Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her”

Husbands and wives, Christ and the church—common relationships brought together by the Holy Spirit in this powerful section of Scripture. This Jump Start isn’t going to follow the role of the husband. Later on, we probably ought to. Rather, it’s the second part of this passage that so often is not talked about that I want to consider. Jesus loves the church.


Sometimes I think we forget that. It is easy to see everything wrong with the church. Just take a stroll through the N.T. Ephesus lost their first love. Sardis was dead. Laodicea was lukewarm. The Galatians were biting and devouring one another. In Philippi, two sisters are named and told to get along. The Corinthians were a real mess—divided, suing and wrong attitudes. The Roman church was troubled about eating meats. The first church, Jerusalem, had members who were struck dead by Heaven because they lied. This little walk through the early churches can leave us depressed, discouraged and seeing nothing but problems.


Here are some things we need to remember:


  1. God never considered starting over. He did with Israel and the golden calf. Moses’ plea changed the mind of God. God actually did start over after the flood. He wiped the slate clean except for one family. With all the problems found in these churches, throwing in the towel was never the solution.


  1. It was never a matter that the theory or plan was good but the practical application always failed. God is too good and too wise for this. The church wasn’t a great idea on paper but it just doesn’t work in reality. There have been through the years ideas like that. They sounded good, but they just never got launched correctly. But history shows us the plans of man. The church is God’s idea. God has never laid upon our shoulders things that we cannot do with us help.


  1. God loves the church. Let us not forget, that Jesus loved the church, problems and all. He doesn’t just love those who are doing “A” work, He loves all of us. Jesus loves the church. The church is the spiritual Israel. The church is the body of Christ. The church is the bride of Christ. The church is God’s people. Imperfect as we may be, God has never given up on us. God loves us.


So, having seen that, “What’s right with the church?” That thought isn’t talked about much. We easily complain and gripe about all the things that are wrong. We are not doing this and we are not doing that. We are shrinking. We are losing our young people. We are out of touch. We are hopelessly stuck in the past. On and on and on, folks go. Singing the blues about the church. Christ loves the church. I wonder if we do? Are we part of the church just because we have to be or do we like the Lord, have a great love for those people? Certainly, we love the Lord. Could it be we just tolerate each other? Are we traveling through life, like a family on vacation, and we happen to be stuck sitting by our sister in the back seat for the whole trip? I heard a guy once say, “I go to church services on Sunday, and it takes me all week to get over that experience?” Really? We tend to see each other’s warts. We tend to bump each other. We tend to bug each other. It is easy to feel that we are stuck with each other. Such an attitude doesn’t really sound much like love. Why should we love one another? We know the book of 1 John really hits on that. If we don’t love one another, we don’t love God. But we can be so messed up. We can be so wrong. What’s right with the church?


What’s right with the church—here’s a few thoughts:


First, the church, by the very Biblical definition of that word, is made up of believers who follow Christ. We have a common interest, a common bond and at the core, we share common principles and beliefs. We are untied by the blood of Christ. We are family. We are related because of Jesus. We stand together in our beliefs about the Bible, Jesus Christ, sin, Heaven, death and why we are here. Christianity by it’s very nature is conservative. It doesn’t allow “out of the box,” “originality,” “free thinking,” spirits. It’s follow the leader, Jesus Christ. It’s following the pattern within the N.T. That unites folks who are similar in their thinking. Why love the church? Because we have a lot in common. We were all sinners. We were all saved. We have all started at the same place and we hope one day to all end up at the same place, Heaven.


Second, Christians, by it’s fundamental calling, are people who have denied themselves, taken up the cross and follow Christ. We have denied self. Colossians states, “we have crucified self.” The world hasn’t done that. The world is stuck on self. The world walks around with a mirror looking at itself and proclaiming “What a great picture.” Christians understand that it’s not about us. Christians serve. The Lord was the ultimate servant. Following in His steps, Christians help each other and those who are not believers. I have seen dozens and dozens of times, Christians going out of their way for others. They show up at the hospital when someone is having surgery. They are there at the funeral home. They bring food. They bring flowers. They help one who is moving. They sit and listen and offer spiritual help. They do things never once expecting anything in return. They give generously, not just on Sunday, but behind the scenes to help a struggling family, a college student, or a single mom. These Christians give up a Saturday to help out. They give up their evenings to help out. They meet with folks in coffee shops and restaurants to encourage, answer questions and help each other get stronger. Late at night, when most are asleep, these Christians are praying to God. They are naming our names to Heaven. They are seeking God’s help to turn lives around and to make things right with God. Why love the church? Because these folks are servants. They act like the Lord.


Thirdly, they love the Lord with all of their hearts. They want worship to please God. They want marriages that conform to God’s plan. They want families to bring their children up in God’s ways. Worship isn’t about loud music and flashing lights. Worship isn’t a show. It’s not a concert. God is not upon the stage, but rather, upon the throne. It’s hearts connecting with God. It’s meaningful. It’s with a purpose. In a worship, you’ll find these Christians with Bibles and tablets following along as the preacher preaches. They will take notes because they want to learn, remember and be better. You will find them sticking around after services, engaged in all kinds of conversations. Some will be laughing. Some will be hugging. Some will be in a serious one on one discussion. Their hearts are blended together. These people really want to be with the Lord. Don’t try to do something silly in worship. These people will not tolerate that. Don’t try to mess with the Bible. These people will not put up with that. They love the Lord. They have placed a banner in the ground next to the cross. It is here that they will stand. It is here that they will die. Worship isn’t something you do if there is nothing else to do. Not for these folks. They love the Lord. They will worship when on vacation. They will worship when on business trips. God first is how they live. Jesus loves the church.


Are Christians perfect? No. Do we need to improve upon things? Certainly? But, Jesus sure loves us. It’s time we started loving each other. It’s time we started letting people know that we love them. It’s time we started showing others that we love them.


Jesus loved the church. Do you? Have you thought about, “What’s right with the church?”

