Jump Start # 1934

Jump Start # 1934

2 Peter 1:9 “For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins.”

His name is Aaron. He is a fine preacher and a wonderful friend. I received an email from him this week. He reminded me of a special event. It wasn’t his birthday, or wedding anniversary. It was thirty years ago to the day that I baptized Aaron. He not only remembered the actual date, he remembered what I preached that night. Thirty years ago. I was just a young preacher and Aaron was just a young man. That Sunday night, a long time ago changed his life. Aaron went off to college, later met a beautiful girl and he asked me to preform their wedding. Their family has been blessed with children and he decided to preach. He’s a marvelous preacher and has done great work. But all of this started thirty years ago when he decided to allow the Lord to cleanse him and lead him. He hasn’t looked back since.

Our verse is what I thought of when I read Aaron’s note this week. It follows what we call the virtues of the Christian character. You’ll remember, add to your faith, virtue. To your virtue, add knowledge. A whole series of powerful qualities that are connected to one another. This section ends with our verse today. Not having these qualities results in two things:

First, it makes us blind spiritually. We will never be as God wants us to be without these qualities. Sure, we can still go to church services. We can sing the hymns, bow our heads, but it’s what’s missing in our hearts that will trip us and cause us to go back to our old ways. God wants us to excel. God wants us to grow, be strong and be powerful in Him. We must be busy “adding” these virtues to our lives.

Second, lacking these qualities tends to make us forget where we came from. It makes us forget that we were sinners that have been forgiven and redeemed by the blood of Jesus. The great hymn, “Amazing Grace,” states, “I once was lost, but now I’m found.” There are some things we should never forget. Through the years a person has a way of not seeing the past as clearly as it was. “The good ole’ days,” seem pretty good when you only think about the pleasant things. I don’t find modern homes being built without bathrooms. Going to the pump for water and the outhouse to use the bathroom doesn’t sound very good to me. You’d think, if those were such wonderful days, there would be folks building houses that reflect that. They don’t.

Do you remember what it was like when you realized that you were lost in your sins? Remember that awful feeling? Remember being scared of dying? All the running with the wrong people. All the terrible things you did. They seemed like fun at the moment. But when the purity of the Gospel reached our hearts, we saw those things for what they really were, sinful. We disgraced God. We disappointed God. We rebelled against God. We were lost. We were dead spiritually.

Someone took the time to show us the saving message of Jesus. Light bulbs came on. We understood. Can you imagine where you would be today if that had not happened? Can you imagine how deep into the well of sin you may have fallen? How many marriages would you have crashed by now? What addictions would you have? How many lives would you have hurt?

When we forget, we tend to take our foot off the spiritual accelerator. We find ourselves flirting with the world once again. Some, will even put one foot back into the world. Why? Why would they want to return to where they once were? Why would they want to be lost again? Why would they give up all the good things God has done for them? Is sin better than grace? Is sin more fun than living for God? No. Always NO. The problem is that a person has forgotten.

Not only can we forget where we came from, but we can forget what we have. We can take things for granted. A wonderful marriage. A great family. A church that accepts, loves and supports you. A God who considers you as one of His. A purpose to live by. A plan that leaves us a clear path to follow. No doubts. No question marks. What a joy it is to be a Christian. Have we forgotten? Count your many blessings, name them, one by one. A life without worry. Living without the fear of death. Knowing that someday, God’s home, will be my home. That’s what we have in Christ. Have we forgotten?

There are certain events that should never be forgotten. We remember 9-11. We remember the Alamo. Every Sunday, we remember the death of Jesus. And in our own lives, we need to remember where we were, where we were headed, and what we have in Jesus.

I am thankful that my good friend Aaron reminded me what happened thirty years ago this week. I remember baptizing him, but I’d forgotten what month and what year. He didn’t. He even remembered the sermon. I don’t know where that sermon is or even what I said in it. But he remembered. He remembered the song leader that night.

How about you? Can you remember the actual date you became a Christian? Can you remember who was there or what sermon was preached?

It’s good to remember. It’s good to never forget some things. It’s good to see how far we have come. It’s good to see that God has been good to us. Who would have thought, thirty years ago, that the young man I baptized would grow up and preach the gospel. I hope Aaron, someday you’ll get a note from someone thirty years later, thanking you for what you did to their life. All of this is only possible because of Jesus. We are part of one long chain of people helping others. Someone helped us and we help others. It is our spiritual legacy and our spiritual joy.

Don’t forget.



Jump Start # 1933

Jump Start # 1933

Acts 16:3 “Paul wanted this man to go with him; and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those parts, for they knew that his father was a Greek.”


Our verse today is the introduction of the apostle Paul to the young man Timothy. I recently taught a class about Timothy’s home. There are some impressive things to notice. He lived in Lystra. His father was Greek. Nothing else is said of his father. There is no indication that his father believed. Timothy’s mother, Eunice, is identified to us as a believer. She and her mother Lois, not only had a sincere faith but they taught the Scriptures to Timothy as a child.


As Timothy grew, he too became a believer. He was used among the brethren not just in Lystra but also in Iconium. The brethren spoke well of Timothy.


Paul comes into town. He meets Timothy and hears about him. Impressed, Paul wants to take Timothy with him. And that, he does. We read of Timothy with Paul when Colossians and Ephesians were written. Timothy was sent to Thessalonica. He was sent to Corinth. He was at Ephesus when 1 & 2 Timothy were written. The end of Hebrews tells us that Timothy was released, which implies that he had been in prison. Timothy’s name is found in twelve of the N.T. books. He plays a dominate role in strengthening the churches that Paul had established.


All of this began with our verse today. There are two thoughts for us.


Mama Eunice allowed Timothy to go. We don’t know how old Timothy was, but twice in the letters to Timothy, Paul refers to his youthfulness. Was he a teenager or perhaps early 20’s? His life was all ahead of him. So many opportunities. Go to school. Get a degree. Find a great job. Marry a nice Christian girl. Have lots of babies. Those are the dreams of parents. Kids living nearby so you can see those grandbabies. What a wonderful dream.


Paul wanted Timothy to go with him. Eunice let Timothy go. Do you understand what this involved? This wasn’t a few weeks of vacation. Two chapter before, Acts 14, Paul had been dragged out of town and stoned. The injuries were so severe that they assumed he was dead. In 2 Corinthians 11 Paul gives us a list of what he experienced as an apostle. They weren’t rock stars traveling in limos. He was stoned. He was beaten with rods. He was in constant dangers. He was hungry. Poorly treated. This wasn’t a fast ticket to get rich. This wasn’t going to get his names in the light. Paul was hunted down. He was chased.


And this man wants Timothy to go with him. Can you imagine setting your son free to travel under such conditions. Also, this wasn’t the days of Facebook, cell phones, or Facetime. Mail, as it was, was so, expensive, slow and not much. Letting Timothy go, meant that his mother wouldn’t see him for a long, long time. With Timothy getting this preaching bug, chances are he and his family would live far away. Timothy wasn’t going to be the preacher at Lystra, where mama attended. He was out on the road. He was in different cities and in different countries. And, Eunice let him go.


The second thing we notice, is that Timothy seems to want to go with Paul. We don’t find him being taken against his will. We don’t see him kicking and screaming. We don’t find him deserting Paul like Demas did. He wasn’t always with Paul. He was sent to places by himself. This is what he wanted to do. This was his life’s love and work. He wanted to preach and teach God’s word.


Eunice has left us with two powerful examples.


First, she raised a son who would serve in the kingdom. By the time Paul comes to town, Timothy was already well spoken of by the brethren. He had already been useful among them. This didn’t come from Paul. This came from Eunice. She raised a son who loved the Lord and saw the importance of using his talents in the kingdom. This was a family that definitely put the kingdom first.


I wonder if we could do what Eunice did? Today, the thought is make as much money as you can son. The thought is, throw that ball, get those grades, succeed, make money. And as a result, so many congregations today are plagued with a lack of male leadership. The men sit around not even wanting to lead a prayer. The church struggles. A preacher moves away and the church nearly dies until the next preacher is found. No one can step up. No one knows how to preach. No one can write an article. Where are the Timothy’s today? Where are the families that are raising their sons to serve as elders and preachers? Have we put too much into making money, living close to us, and being happy than we have in the furtherance of the kingdom? Have we done a good job explaining the value of the kingdom? Have we burned within the hearts of our children the importance of serving? Have they seen us busy in the kingdom? Have they seen us having families in our homes? Paul came and Eunice let him go. I wonder if we would have let our sons go? I wonder if Paul would have noticed our sons? I wonder if our sons would have any reputation among the brethren? All this came not from Timothy’s dad, but from a mom who put Christ before all things. Why are there so few preachers and elders today? Do we really need to ask that? I think we know.


Second, she put the kingdom before herself. All moms would love to have their children living close to them. I see several generations all worshipping together. That’s a great comfort and a great feeling. I’m sure that Eunice would have wanted the same. But Paul came. He needed Timothy. The kingdom needed Timothy. Eunice put aside her feelings and she allowed him to go. Imagine our Sunday night attendance if we put the kingdom before self. Imagine our weekly contribution if we put the kingdom before self. Now, not everyone can preach, nor should they preach. Work in the kingdom needs to be done at home, whether it’s Lystra or fall away places with Paul. It’s not saying my son has to preach. It’s not saying that he has to move far from home. What we are saying is he puts both eyes on the Lord and the kingdom. Wherever he is, he serves. In college, he’s helping the congregation there. He’s having Bible studies in his dorm room. Married and in an apartment, they have couples over to encourage. He uses his talents to help the congregation he’s with. He may teach. He may lead singing. He may share his knowledge of media and help the church spread the Gospel. His heart says, as Isaiah first said, “Here am I, send me.”


I fear we teach our children to obey the Gospel, then we wipe our brow and we are finished. And they grow up to sit in a pew and do very little. Volunteers are needed and they are no where to be found. Folks need encouragement, but they aren’t the ones to send a card. Someone needs help moving, don’t call on these folks, because they won’t do it. They’ll be there on Sunday, but that’s it. Timothy wasn’t cut from that cloth. He was different. He didn’t get that from dad. His dad was no influence spiritually. He had a mom. He had a mom that was a believer. He had a mom that taught, showed and eventually stood out of the door way so he could leave with Paul.


To a lesser degree, I had parents like that. Most of us who were the first to preach in our family, have a similar story.


The amazing Eunice. She raised a son to follow the Savior.





Jump Start # 1932

Jump Start # 1932

1 Corinthians 16:15 “Now I urge you, brethren (you know the household of Stephanas, that they were the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have devoted themselves for ministry to the saints),”


Stephanas, not a ready name that we are familiar with from the Bible. Our passage tells us three great things about Stephanas.


First, he was one of the first of Achaia, meaning one of the first to become a Christian from there. Later, the brethren from Achaia sent money to help the poor Christians in Jerusalem. Stephanas wasn’t the only Christian in Achaia, he was one of the firsts.


Second, the household of Stephanas was included. This shows the influence that was felt within that home. Household may include wife, older children, and servants. A nucleus to begin a congregation. It started with his family.


Third, they were devoted to the ministry to the saints. They were dedicated in what they did. They were committed. Helping others. Helping others physically and helping others spiritually. This is what they were known for.


It’s this third expression, devoted themselves for the ministry, that I want to take a look at. The King James uses the word, “Addicted,” instead of devoted. They were addicted to the ministry. That’s a great way of looking at that. We tend to look at “addictions” as negative. We hear about those who are addicted to heroin or porn. The addictions change their lives. The addictions rob them of peace. But here, it’s a good kind of addiction. It’s a positive force. Great things came out of this addiction.


The family of Stephanas was addicted to the ministry to the saints. This is what they were about. They were devoted, committed and dedicated to this. It wasn’t a casual thing for them. It wasn’t something that easily got put on the back burner. It wasn’t something that they talked about but just never got around to it. They were addicted to this. It wasn’t something that they could walk away from and not think about. This was them. This was part of their spiritual DNA. This was who they were.


Addicted. I wonder if apostles were writing about us, what they would say? Would they say that some of us are addicted to sports. Some may be addicted to TV. Some may be addicted to their cell phones. Some may be addicted to money.


The ministry to the saints is what Stephanas was about. This is what defined him. This described him. Of all the identifying words that the Holy Spirit could have chosen, it was this one, addicted to the ministry.


What would addicted to the ministry look like?


First, this would come up often in their conversations. People tend to talk about what they are passionate about and what is important to them. I’d expect if you could have lunch with Stephanas, quickly, he’d be talking about what plans he had to teach other brethren. He’d tell you what was being done already. He’d tell you the great successes with some. He’d tell of concerns and needs to reach more and do more. You’d see in his eyes that he was really into this. Try to switch subjects and before long, he’d be back to this again.


Second, you’d notice that he has put a lot of time into this. He has been writing others. He has been teaching others. He’s gathered supplies. He’s stock piled some things to use. This was important to him. I don’t know if folks in the first century took vacations, but I’d expect this guy used his to further help the saints. Stephanas was a leader. He wanted others to do well. He has thought things out. He has prayed about it.


Third, you’d quickly find out that Stephanas as poured much of his own money into this. He wouldn’t have it any other way. How could he sleep at night, knowing that he bought the latest and greatest gadget, while others were still struggling. Struggling spiritually. Struggling financially. Struggling emotionally. He was there to help.


Fourth, if you were having this lunch with Stephanas, before you left, he’d have you involved some how. He’d ask if you could come with him to teach others. He’d ask if you could donate a Saturday to help. He’d want to know if you could contribute to some project that would help these brethren get stronger. This is the way addictions work. They pull others in. You’d leave that lunch now involved yourself. You may not have wanted to, but how could you resist the pleas of Stephanas. He is always looking for others to not just get involved, but to become as addicted as he was to the work of the Lord.


Fifth, you would see in this brother’s eyes how much he loved others and how deeply he was involved in the kingdom. His passion would make you question your faith. His zeal would make you wonder how serious you have been. This person was so like the Lord. He wanted everyone to be saved. He wanted every Christian to be strong. He wanted congregations to thrive. We wanted men to be shepherds and preachers. It was as if nothing else mattered. Don’t talk politics, he’s not interested. Sports don’t move his needle. It’s the kingdom. It’s spiritual life. What a man of God!


One little expression deep in Corinthians, and what it reveals about a great man of God. I would love to have more of Stephanas in me. I would love to be addicted as he was. I would love to be so focused and committed as he was.


Addicted to the ministry to the saints. How serious are you about things? How hard are you trying? How much are we letting other things sidetrack us and get us off course?


Can you imagine an Stephanas in your congregation? Can you imagine a whole family of Stephanas? Can you imagine you being a Stephanas? Why not?





Jump Start # 1931

Jump Start # 1931

Acts 13:36 “For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep, and was laid among his father, and underwent decay.”

Recently, I have been reading the history of Washington County, Indiana. It’s a book that was first written in the 1880’s. My interest is in early church history, especially those connected to the restoration movement. That county isn’t far from where I live and I’ve done a bit of preaching there and know a lot of people from there. I find the stories about the early days of hunting bears and dealings with Indians to be most fascinating. Last night, I read about a pioneer that shot a bear out of a tree. The bear then put both paws on the man’s shoulders and started shaking him. The man was saved by his dogs who irritated the bear so much that it left. Fascinating.

I thought about that pioneer and his world and how different it was from my world. Surviving was most important for that early settler. Surviving weather, Indians and wild animals. He never thought about retirement savings, as I do. The thought of assisted living insurance never crossed his mind. It does mine. Clearing some trees so he could plant some corn was important to that pioneer. He worked hard. Life was hard. Accidents, disease, and attacks from wild animals and Indians kept many from living very long. One story I read took place at a wedding. The groom wasn’t there. Word came that he had been bitten by a rattlesnake and died. The wedding party got up and went to his funeral. Unbelievable.

While our worlds are so different, some things remain the same. Some things have never changed.

Worry remains the same. I don’t think about Indians. The last time I thought about any Indian was when I went to a ballgame this summer in Cleveland. Those early pioneers worried about weather, surviving and getting through the winter. Our worries are about our kids getting through college, having enough to retire on and driving in traffic. Worry is the same. Whether we are worrying about bears or bear markets, worry can steal our faith, blind us to the blessings of God and rob us of both health and sleep. Worry is the same.

God remains the same. I read in that book about an epidemic of cholera. Many died. I can only imagine the prayers of those parents in a log cabin as they looked over their sick child. Helpless. Hopeless. The end of dreams. And yet, here we are, all these years later. Instead of a log cabin, we are in a hospital room. Instead of cholera, it’s cancer. And there God remains hearing our prayers. Hope in troubled times is always found in God. When no one can do any more, God can. There sure has been many wars since those early pioneer days of young Indiana. There has been civil wars and world wars. Parents have sent their sons to far off places to defend our freedoms. Many never returned. There has been hurricanes and fires and tornados and floods. There has been trips to the cemeteries and broken hearts. Yet God remains on the throne. Our houses are larger and more comfortable than those early log cabins. We can do more today and faster than those early pioneers. Yet, we still need God. We have not out grown God. We have not conquered sin. We have not found any other way to Heaven, but through Jesus. We still fuss and fight with each other. We struggle to forgive. We suffer when we have not developed a heart like Jesus. What that early pioneer needed is the same thing that I need, and that is Jesus.

Our work remains the same. We are to walk by faith. We are to trust in the Lord. We are to build congregations. We are to preach and teach. For those early pioneers, sitting on log pews, they were amazed with the stories of the Savior who healed lepers and made the blind to see. They learned about forgiveness and grace. They saw what God expected in worship. And, today, with our Bibles on our phones and tablets, we continue to read and learn about that wonderful Savior. The words of salvation remain the same. It brought forgiveness and hope in that wooded Indiana wilderness as it does in our modern cities today. Generations pass, but the same Gospel needs to be taught.

We are the same. That pioneer that fought the bear was probably much stronger and tougher than I am. I probably couldn’t put up with the things he ate. He wouldn’t like what I eat. But, we are the same on the inside. We must make choices that will either lead us to Heaven or away from God. We are both sinners who need Jesus. We both need to be leaders in our homes. We both will be judged by God someday.

Our verse today sums all of this up. It’s about King David. He served the purpose of God in his own generation. That’s the good that we do. Our work is now. Our work is among this generation. As primitive as the bear hunter seems to us, we will appear like that to future generations. Those future generations will still have worry. They will still have God. They will still have the same work to do that we’ve done. They may do it faster and better, but preaching and teaching will remain.

But what happens when a generation doesn’t serve the purpose of God? A generation grows without knowing the Lord. Wrong choices are made. Life gets messy. Lives are lost eternally. All it takes is for one generation to stop and future generations are hindered and affected. The book of Judges shows this. After Joshua died, another generation rose that didn’t not know the Lord. Their choices led them away from God. Each generation must do it’s work. This means we need to pour hours into training, teaching and developing those behind us. We will pass the baton on to them. It is essential that they understand and that they know. So, fellow preacher, we must continue to preach the basics. A new people needs to know. We need to spend time showing how things should be done. We need to take the time to answer their questions. Serving our generation is what we must be busy doing.

We don’t need monuments to honor us. Our treasures are stored up in Heaven.

David served. He served the purpose of God. He served the purpose of God in his own generation. Powerful thoughts for us. This is what we must be busy doing. It was true in the wilderness of early Indiana as is it today for us.



Jump Start # 1930

Jump Start # 1930

Isaiah 1:15 “So when you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; yes, even though you multiply prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood.”

Our verse today concludes a string of harsh realities for the nation of God. They have had one foot in the world of sin and the other foot with God. This has led to lifeless worship and a causal and flippant attitude toward God. They thought they could do what they want and as long as they offered God a few tokens of worship, all was fine. It was a grand life for these people until God pulled the plug on all of this. He was tired of indifferent worship. The words are serious:

I have had enough (v. 11)
I take no pleasure (v. 11)
Bring your worthless offerings no longer (v. 13)
I cannot endure iniquity and the solemn assembly (v. 13)
I hate your new moon festivals (v. 14)
I am weary of bearing them (v. 14)
I will hide My eyes from you (v. 15)
I will not listen (v. 15)

God was tired of being used. God was fed up with their indifferent spirit. Their worship was not doing them any good and it certainly wasn’t pleasing God. “I will not listen,” is such an astonishing comment. It’s shocking. Some couldn’t imagine God ever saying such things. There are lessons for us.

First, what’s going on inside of us is as important as what is going on the outside, when it comes to worship. It’s not a choice. It’s not having the right spirit but doing things not found in the Bible. But neither is it right that we follow the Bible to the letter, yet our attitudes and spirits are not right. It shouldn’t come down to a choice. We need both. Biblically, we need to worship as the N.T. authorizes. We also, need to remember who we come before. It’s the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Pure hands and pure hearts ought to be important to us.

So, these Isaiah passages remind us that God doesn’t accept anything and everything offered to Him in worship. God closed His eyes and turned His head to this worthless worship that the nation was offering. Sleepy worship. Bored audience. Daydreaming. Texting the time away. Playing with babies. All of these may make the time go by faster, but have we fooled ourselves into thinking that God is ok with this? Sitting in a church building without worshipping is not much different than staying in bed. It’s not our presence in a pew that draws the attention of God. It’s hearts that bow before Him and recognize how awesome He is.

Those that conduct worship are responsible for making sure what we do is Biblical. The responsibility rests upon their shoulders. However, only I can take care of my spirit and my attitude. No one can do that for me. Stress, worry, being tired, being preoccupied with other things, all have an influence upon the quality of my worship that I offer to God. The thoughts of worship begin long before I leave my house and walk into the church building. What I do on Saturday can influence my worship on Sunday. Have we thought that far ahead? It’s tough for young families. Getting everyone ready is hard. Find Bibles, class books, shoes and get the outfits all ready on Saturday before you go to bed. Thinking ahead. Thinking about worship. Thinking about what the Lord has done for you. All of this helps us to bring our A-game to worship. God has given His best and we need to be our best when we worship. Work on your insides. Get your heart ready to worship.

Second, our passage shows us that God doesn’t listen to every prayer. He declared, “I will not listen.” Now, think about the guy who never prays. He’s too cool and too busy to pray. Life is good. He can handle whatever comes his way. But one day, there are things that he can’t handle. A hurricane. A death. Destruction. Out of options, he decides to pray. It hasn’t been his first choice, but rather the last and final thing after everything else has been tried. When all else fails, he prays. If these earlier attempts had worked, he wouldn’t pray. He wouldn’t need to, so he thinks. He is a guy who doesn’t have time for worship. The Bible is no where to be found in his home. He knows nothing about God, except now that he is in real trouble, he prays hoping God will pull something out of His magic hat and rescue him. If he does, he’ll be glad and go on his way and not bother God again until the next major problem. If God doesn’t come through, he’ll start to wonder if God is even there.

God doesn’t hear every prayer. Peter told husbands that the way they lived with their wives would impact the prayers they said to God. God doesn’t work for us. He is not required to do anything we ask. He doesn’t answer to us. So, here we have prayers going up, but not being heard. They were not heard because those saying the prayers were not living as they should. They did not have a relationship with God. They were not walking with God.

The insincerity of the nation’s worship destroyed their prayers. They said them but God didn’t hear them. Shout louder? That won’t help things. Pray longer? That’s not the answer. Use bigger words? Nope. The answer is look in your heart. What have you done to God? They mistreated God, took advantage of God, demanded of God and expected everything to be just fine. In any other relationship, be it among friends, be it in a marriage, to treat one this way, would most likely end the relationship.

Finally, this passage ought to remind us that God is not like us. We can fool each other. We can get by with faking things. God is not like this. He wants genuine faith. He wants sincerity. He wants us to love Him with all of our heart, mind and soul.

Excellence in worship and excellence in our hearts is what God deserves. We need to give Him our best!

I will not listen…the problem wasn’t with God, it was with the nation. May we learn and do better.
