Jump Start # 3581

Jump Start # 3581

1 Timothy 6:6 “But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment.”

As the apostle writes these final paragraphs to his young preacher friend, Timothy, he reminds him what matters. We need to know this. This world has a way of getting our order out of order. We pour so much energy and passion into the things that have no spiritual impact and no eternal value. It’s easy to do that.

Immediately following our verse today, ending on the word contentment, Paul transitions to the subject of money. He says:

  • We came into this world with nothing and we take nothing when we leave (7)
  • If we have food and clothing, we need to be content (8)
  • Those who want to get rich get into trouble (9)
  • The love of money is a root that can take over your life (10)
  • Flee from these things and pursue the things that really matter (11)

Contentment is easy to recognize but sure is hard to grasp for ourselves. We are a culture that thrives on wanting things. And, most times, those things can be ordered from Amazon. We are told that Abraham died an old man, satisfied with life (Gen 25:8). Satisfied. Content. At peace.

Let’s give contentment some thought:

First, contentment is not another name for being lazy or lukewarm. God doesn’t like either one of those “L” words. Being content is not lacking drive, goals or vision. It’s easy to hide behind, “I’m content,” when I ought to be doing things for the Lord.

Second, some are content in the wrong areas. Sardis was a dead church. Other than the few faithful there, I don’t get the impression that being dead really bothered them. Some are content to live in a dump. I’ve been to some homes and wondered how could you live like this. Some are content to do nothing. Some are content with shallow preaching or even error.

This may be one of the major reasons why people do not change their lives. They are content. There is no reason to change when one is content. But when a person gets tired of the way they look in the mirror, then they might do something. When a person is tried of living paycheck to paycheck, always just a step away from being broke, then they will do something. But as long as they are content, nothing will happen. There is an old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” That may be true, but if you make that horse thirsty, he’ll drink. Some can wallow with the pigs and never realize that they could live better. They could rejoice in the Lord and have hope and peace and love running through their veins. But that takes some work. It requires some effort. And, just laying in the mud with the pigs can be very satisfying for some people.

Third, great spiritual contentment will keep the glitter of the world from catching our eyes. Paul’s words, “Flee from these things,” tells us that the thirst to get rich, the love of money and drive to have, cannot satisfy. The apostle lists six things that the disciple ought to be after. None can be bought in a store. None can be put in a box and up on a shelf. They are qualities of the heart. They effect how we see ourselves and how we treat others. The list includes: righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. Some of these very things are found in Peter’s list of virtues in 2 Peter 1. They are found sprinkled through the letters to the Ephesians and Colossians. These are the things that matter. These are the things that will make a difference. Available to all. Illustrated in the life of Jesus. It’s these things that we are after.

Godliness is great gain when accompanied with contentment, our verse tells us. Someone may be content, but not godly. And, I suppose someone might be godly, but not content. But when you put these two together and stir them up a bit in the heart of a disciple, great gain will take place.

This gain isn’t a number found on a 401 or bank account. This gain doesn’t sit washed and polished in a garage. This gain is seen in the way people are treated. This gain looks like service and sharing and help and love. This gain is brings family members together. This gain is the bridge of forgiveness that wounded hearts can meet on and find fellowship once again. This gain never stays within a person. It can’t. It bursts through the pores of helping others and following the Lord.

Godliness added with content equals great gain. That’s God’s math.



Jump Start # 3580

Jump Start # 3580

Matthew 22:37 “And He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’”

There are a few things interesting about our verse today. It is Jesus’ response to a trick question. A lawyer asked Him which commandment was the greatest. He did this to test Jesus. The answer Jesus gives comes from Deuteronomy. This is what the law says. But, what likely was running through this trick question, was the fact that there were 613 commandments in the O.T. All the commandments of God are important. Stacking them in order would be hard. And, which one would be most important?

Jesus didn’t leave the impression that this commandment, nor the second greatest, loving your neighbor as your self, were the only commandments that mattered. Just forget the other 611 commandments and only keep these two. One doesn’t get that from what Jesus said.

Now of interest to us is the thought that some today would make that conclusion. Only loving God and loving each other matter. Don’t worry about the other things. Don’t trouble yourselves with doctrine and right and wrong. Just love. Love God and love each other. Boy, that sure sounds good. If that be the case, then why did God bother with 611 other commands? All He really needed was just two: love God and love each other.

But “love God” is broad, generic and vague. Just what does that mean? Without commands, how would Israel know about what day to worship? How would they know what kind of animal to offer to God? Why would they be warned about unclean and clean? Details and details about the tabernacle, down to the color of the curtains and the exact number of rings holding them up. Just love God. Build a Teepee. Build a hut. Build an apartment complex. The ark of the covenant, details about the size, what went in it and how it was to be transported. David found out the hard way that putting the ark on a wagon was wrong. But, just love God.

Do you see, it was God who gave the 613 Old Testament commands. They were necessary to accomplish what He wanted. Without those commands, loving God becomes just a feeling. It warps into an emotion. But with the commands, reverence, obedience, respect and authority are demonstrated.

The same Jesus that tells us that the greatest command is to love God, also said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Just two commands or what about forgiving seventy times seven? Just two commands or go the second mile? One might say, “If you love your neighbor you will do that.” Really? Why? Why not give your neighbor your house? Why not give your children to your neighbor? Without guidelines, instructions or commands, what does loving my neighbor look like? It looks like each person doing whatever they feel like doing.

Then we find in Acts 2, the very first Christians abiding in the apostles doctrine. Why? If only two commands matter, what is there to abide in? And, tied to the great commission, Jesus told the apostles to teach disciples all that I have commanded you. Well, if it’s only love God and love each other, that’s pretty easy.

Then, why are there all those letters to the churches in the N.T.? Paul told the Corinthians that the things he wrote were the Lord’s commandments (14:37). Instructions about Lord’s Supper. Regulations about spiritual gifts. Words about marriage, sexuality and divorce. These were all part of God’s commands

So, maybe there’s more to all of this than just love God and love your neighbor.

Here are some thoughts for us:

First, we need to be good Bible students. The Bereans searched and discovered what was right and wrong. We hear sweet sounding messages and like a gullible fish, we swallow the hook without thinking things through. Wolves have a way into the flock because the sheep do not recognize them. It’s time to put the thinking caps on and stop being spoon fed by preachers, myself included. Get those Bibles opened up and take some deep look inside.

Second, loving God is essential. A person won’t do the rest of the Bible if he is not motivated by God’s love for him and his love for God. However, loving God doesn’t mean the rest doesn’t matter.

Third, the basis of fellowship, first with God and then with each other is wrapped around walking in the light, as John wrote in his first letter. Walking is not a feeling. It’s a choice, a direction, a pattern one takes. Love is demonstrated by actions. One cannot be right with God and wrong with the Bible. Without God’s word, we don’t have a clue. We don’t know what God wants. We don’t know what God is like. We don’t know what to do. You can get three fat guys on a Sunday morning who spray paint G-O-D on their bellies. I’m certain they love God. Is that what the Lord wants? Without instructions, there is no way to know. That’s where the religious community has shifted to decades ago. Dare anyone say that they are doing something outside of the Bible, the response will be, “We love God. Stop judging.” Is that where we are headed?

Truth and love are not cosmic enemies fighting each other. They are connected. They need each other. We need both. Truth without love leads to judgmental hatred. Love without truth leads to lawlessness. In the judgment picture in Matthew 7, the people were busy casting out demons, doing miracles and all sorts of wonderful things in the name of the Lord. Jesus said, “I never knew you.” He further added, “depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”

Lawful—that comes from following the law.

Good stuff to think about and chew on for a while…



Jump Start # 3579

Jump Start # 3579

Matthew 3:17 “and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.’”

We are in the season of honoring our parents. Mother’s Day in May and Father’s Day in June. The family is important to God. He designed it. He instructed it. He used it as illustrations of greater spiritual lessons. And, in a way we may not often consider, God shows us a vital aspect of parenting.

Our verse today comes from the baptism of Jesus. The context tells us that He was baptized to fulfill righteousness. The Lord didn’t need to be baptized as I did. The forgiveness of sins was not attached to His baptism. However, the baptism of Jesus demonstrates that there was nothing Jesus asks of us, He did not first do Himself. Baptism is one such thing. Those who ridicule baptism as a work and unnecessary and even offering different modes of baptism miss the essence of what the Scriptures are teaching. Baptism was part of that commissioned message that the apostles were sent into all the world with to preach.

Here at the baptism we find three lessons about parenting:

First, the Father was there. He saw what Jesus was doing. I’ve seen many parents in the stands, but they weren’t there. The whole time they are on their phones talking or playing games, or had their face buried in a book. Sure they attended, but they were there. The Father saw. Your presence in your child’s life is something that they will remember the rest of their lives. Make it a priority to be there. You’ll skip things you want to do, because you need to be where your child is. And, when you do go, don’t make the child feel bad because you missed the ballgame on TV or didn’t get to do what you wanted to. Guilting the child is not much better than neglecting the child. The Father was present.

Second, the Father made His presence felt. He proclaimed the relationship and His feelings. My Beloved. I’m well pleased. Jesus knew. God expressed His feelings towards His Son. The Holy Spirit was sent and descended as a dove upon Jesus. The hug. The kiss. The high-five. The smile. The “that-a-boy.” It was more than just feeling His presence, it was a positive experience. My Son. I’m well pleased. I’ve been to far too many little league ballgames and dad was in the stands, but he was screaming at his son for striking out, missing a catch and the child just dropped his head in shame. Make your child glad you are there. You don’t want him to see you walking up and thinking, “Oh, great. Dad’s here.”

Third, God didn’t tell this to Jesus in secret. Before all, He declared, “This is my beloved Son.” God was declaring the deity and relationship of Jesus. Earlier in this chapter, as John the prophet is preaching, we read, “Then Jerusalem was going out to him, and all Judea and all the district around Jordan” (5). Verse seven says, “But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism…” It is in verse 13, that Jesus comes to be baptized. Was this large crowd still gathered there? Did they all hear the words spoken from Heaven?

It is said that every person needs three things in a relationship. To be loved. To be accepted. And, to be approved. And, when that isn’t found in a home, a person will find it somewhere, even if it is with the wrong people. The Father demonstrated all three of these things in that one declaration He made at Jesus’ baptism.

Has it been a while since you told your kids that you love them? How about, “I’m proud of you”? Are you busy in their lives? Do they have to beg and beg before you will finally agree to come and play them? Are you quick to change your schedule to be with your family?

Lionel Richie, the great singer and songwriter had a quote from his dad. He said, “Enjoy coming home.” Lionel asked him why? He said, “There’s coming a time when you can’t come home.” When asked what he meant, his dad said, “The house will be there, but the people in the house won’t be there.” Lionel said this at the end of a documentary about making the song, “We are the world.” He was sitting in the very studio room where that song was recorded. He said that room was his “home.” He pointed and said, Michael (Jackson) was standing right over there. But, he’s no longer here. Over there, he pointed, was where another pop sensation stood, but now has passed away. The house is here, but the people in the house no longer are.

And, so it is with us. Enjoy coming home…



Jump Start # 3578

Jump Start # 3578

2 Corinthians 3:2 “You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men.”

Our verse today worded in the King James comes out as: “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts…”. And, that makes us think of the hymn, “The World’s Bible.” And, in many ways, that is very true. When people see you, right or wrong, they make three judgments based upon what they see in you. First, they make a judgment about your faith. They may think that you are strict and narrow. They might conclude, from what they see, that you are a hypocrite. You talk a good game, but your talk and walk do not match. They might see a picture of true love, grace and faith. This is what a Christian is supposed to look like. Secondly, they make a judgment about the congregation you attend. They assume that just about everyone in that church is like you. Now, if their judgment of you is not positive, they will have a concluding negative judgment about the congregation. They do this without ever stepping foot into the church building, This is all based upon what they see in you. Finally, from what they see in you, they make a judgment about Jesus. The Jesus you present to them, through the way you live, is favorable or something they want to run from. Your attitudes. Your words. Your reaction to stress. All of these things forms a version of the Bible based upon you.

In that hymn, “The World’s Bible,” the question is asked, “What if the type is crooked? What if the print is blurred?” I have in my library some looks that are that way. It’s difficult to read them. The poor print job distorts the message. The hymn is not asking about a literal book. It’s not asking about the print in your Bible. It’s asking about the way you live. You are our letter, Paul said. The way you live is witnessed by so many people. There are those who watch you and you are not even aware of that.

So, what if the type is crooked? What if the print is blurred?

First, none of us will be the perfect version of Jesus. We’d love to be, but we won’t. There are times when our type will be blurry. There will be times when we appear crooked. This is when honesty makes a huge difference. We apologize when we have done wrong. We admit that we are a work in progress. We are not Jesus. He was the perfect, unblemished sacrifice.

Some leave a congregation because of the way they were treated. Gossip, ignoring others, petty attitudes hurt friendships and ruin fellowships. But Jesus has never treated us like this. People may have neglected you. Jesus didn’t. People may have been mean to you. Jesus wasn’t. The message isn’t about us. It’s about Jesus. Even blurry, we can point people to Jesus.

Second, we must do a better job of walking in Christ. Some are incredible examples. Some are terrible examples. Just getting baptized and sitting in a church building isn’t it. Are you walking daily with the Lord? Are you letting His word dwell within you? Do you leave your faith and convictions at the door of the church building when you leave? Maybe there would be less blurry print if we did a better job of being devoted to the Lord. We put up with mean spirits and gossipy tongues far too long. Although those folks may have been baptized a long time ago, they certainly are not walking very close to the Savior. We can do a better job of making the print less blurry in our lives.

Third, what we want the world to see is our kindness, our generosity, our faith in the Lord, and our hearts of service. This is what will catch the eye of your family and the world. Being quick to forgive. Being one of the first to jump in and help out. Knowing when to keep quiet and not say anything. Living joyfully. Bringing sunshine upon a gloomy world. Less judgmental and more inviting. Sharing your time, your heart and your life for others.

When the world sees these things, they may not notice the crooked type so much. But with pointed fingers, a judgmental tongue and a blaming attitude, the world will revert to a defensive position and start picking apart your life. The flaws seem greater when one is looking for them.

Many a person first noticed a Christian before he knew anything about what he believed. Kindness attracts. And, in a season of hatred, racism, and destruction, mouths that flow with gentleness and love are refreshing. Christians are not to blend in. We are not like everyone else. Be not conformed, but be transformed is our calling in Christ.

You are the world’s Bible.

Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today…

He has no feet but our feet to lead me in His way;

He has no tongue but our tongues to tell men how He died,

He has no help but our help to bring them to His side.


We are the only Bible the careless world will read,

We are the sinner’s gospel, We are the scoffer’s creed;

We are the Lord’s last message given in deed and word,

What if the type is crooked? What if print is blurred?


What if our hands are busy with other things than His?

What if our feet are walking where sins allurement is?

What if our tongues are speaking of things His life would spurn,

How can we hope to help Him and welcome His return?

Anne Johnson Flint (1866-1932)



Jump Start # 3577

Jump Start # 3577

Ecclesiastes 7:5 “It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man than to listen to the song of fools.”

The Holy Spirit guided Solomon to write some of the most practical and useful helps from Heaven. As with the Proverbs, many lines coming from Ecclesiastes are written in the form of contrasts. Such is our verse today. Rebuke is contrasted with song. And, wise man is contrasted with fools.

Better is the rebuke of a wise man than to listen to the song of fools. Most often, Solomon doesn’t explain the “why” behind such noble and novel statements. Why is the rebuke of a wise man better than the song of a fool? We like songs. We like listening to music. My wife and I often go to the orchestra. I love hearing our little grandchildren sing. Songs put a smile on our hearts. They lift our spirits. We love listening to songs.

Rebuke on the other hand means something isn’t right. We have several words for rebuke. Words such as, censure; reprimand; criticize; reproach; give a talking to; or, common to our times, ‘a come to Jesus meeting.’ There are two stings that come with a rebuke. First, is realizing that we were wrong. The second, is that someone else recognizes that we were wrong. The rebuke doesn’t come from ourselves. It’s a wise man that gives the rebuke.

And, herein lies the problem. We like listening to songs, but we don’t enjoy rebuke. It doesn’t matter if it comes from the pulpit, and the preacher has knocked the shine off your shoes; or, from work; or, from our spouse. Rebukes sting. They hurt. And, the natural and most common reaction to a rebuke is to get defensive, search for an excuse and turn the tables on the one confronting us.

Our passage is more than just stating a rebuke, but it is better if we have listened to it. We received it. We have accepted it. We have considered it. And, we need this because we are often blind to our own faults. Some have done wrong for so long that they no longer see what they are doing is wrong. Faults are like the headlights of a car. The ones’ coming toward you always seem brighter than yours.

Now, some thoughts from this:

First, it is better to listen to the rebuke because who is sharing it with you. Our verse identifies this person as a wise man. Do you think he enjoys giving a rebuke? He’d rather compliment. He’d rather praise. But he can’t and he won’t. And, the reason is he cares so much about you, that he wants you to do what is right. He loves your soul and he is trying to help.

We muddy the water and make matters difficult when we refuse to listen to what a wise person says to us and we close our ears to any suggestions that would lead to a more righteous life. The wise man cares about you. He doesn’t want to see you continue down the path you are going. His wisdom allows him to see things that you may not see. He sees consequences. He sees what it does to our habits and attitudes. He sees how it wounds our family. He’s seen enough. Now he speaks. In gentleness, wrapped in love, he rebukes. He realizes how difficult this is. You may explode. You may walk away. You may be finished with him, forever. He takes that chance. It’s worth that chance, to try to help you.

Second, a fool won’t rebuke. A fool only thinks about himself. A fool is only in the moment. He doesn’t know consequences or eternity. This is why he is a fool. Dance with me, the fool says. Listen to my songs, the fool says. Happy, happy, happy, is all the fool is interested in. Don’t think about rules. Don’t think about others. Just be happy. Oh, that song has many different titles. Ole’ blue eyes Sinatra sang, “I did it my way.” Another song declared, “If loving you is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.” From the past to the present, the fool keeps singing.

Third, the goal of the rebuke is a changed life. Repentance is the outcome of a rebuke listened to. A course correction takes place. Wrong has been stopped and now right is being pursued. A life has been saved. The prophet Nathan rebuked king David. Jesus rebuked a demon and it came out of the person. Peter rebuked the Lord and in turn was rebuked by Jesus.

There are some who are would love to sign up to be the policemen of the church. They’d love to write out tickets for kids running in hallways, people sleeping during services, and for a pitiful contribution given. Quick to rebuke and quick to find fault is the joy of some. And, some do it so often that no one listens to them any more. Every time they open their mouths, out flies a rebuke. And, it never ends. Every service. Every get together. Every singing. Every opportunity and even when there is no opportunity. Such is wearisome and discouraging. Some are never happy.

I saw a cartoon years ago. A very unhappy woman was standing at the customer service counter. The man at the counter said, “Ma’am, if we refund you the money, give you a new product, close the store and shoot the manager, would you be happy?” And, for most the answer would be a profound, NO.

There is a time and a place for rebuke. A wise man recognizes that. There is a way to rebuke. A wise man recognizes that. The purpose of a rebuke is not to crush and destroy someone, but rather to make a person do better. The goal is success, not destruction.

Better is rebuke than a song. Better is what a wise man says than what a fool says. Better if we listen than we ignore. Ageless truths and treasures from God’s word.
