Jump Start # 2649

Jump Start # 2649

Romans 8:31 “What then shall we say to theses things? If God is for us, who is against us?”

Rubel Shelly in his 1990 commentary on Luke, “A Jewish Savior through Gentile eyes,” writes on the final page, “No, Gloomy Gus was not an apostle. And the presence of Gloomy Gus or a Doleful Dorothy among his disciples today is a poor witness to the world. A failure of faith. An inconsistency.”

Wow! What powerful and needful words for today. Gloomy and Doleful seem to be the popular moods today. Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled.” We sing, “I serve a risen Savior,” and, “My hope is built on nothing less.” Yet, Gloomy and Doleful seem to stand in the shadows of our church buildings and they hide in the corners of our homes. Gloom, despair and agony takes our eyes off of the Lord and all we see, and all we hear and all we think about and all we talk about are the things that are wrong. I like the story of a businessman who was running late one morning. His cell phone was ringing constantly. Problems in this plant. Problems in the warehouse. Problems in scheduling. He went to his car, and it would start. He called a taxi and the phone kept ringing with more problems. The taxi showed up, he got in and told the driver to go. The driver said, “Where?” The businessman said, “Anywhere. I’ve got problems everywhere.” Gloomy and Doleful remind us of these things.

But then there is our verse today. If God is for us, who is against us? Actually, we could put some answers to that question. The Jews were against the Christians. They followed Paul from place to place and stirred things up. They cause a lot of trouble. It wasn’t just the Jews. The Romans were against the Christians. In a few short years, they would begin heavily persecuting Christians. The pagans were against the Christians. As the Gospel spread and people believed, the use of idols dropped off. The market for idolatry and the finances to run those temples fell off. And, there are always those who do not want to be told by anyone, especially God, what to do. So, they would be against the Christians.

None of those things matter. None of those things add up. None of those things move even register. If God is for us, that’s all that matters. If God is for us, it doesn’t matter who is against us. As long as we are on God’s side, everything will work out. And, if God is for us, that means we are in a wonderful relationship with Him.

This started by grace and forgiveness. As we continue to walk with the Lord, the doors of wisdom, blessings and opportunities continue to open. The fellowship of God’s people is a wonderful blessing. The invitation to work in the greatest kingdom of the world is so special. God loves us and God wants us to spend forever with Him in Heaven. That’s the top of the charts. Nothing beats that. That’s better than catching a homerun ball by your favorite player. That’s better than getting a day off of work, with pay. That’s better than surprise parties. That’s better than a vacation. All those things are nice and fun, but they always end. Heaven never ends. And, what tops Heaven is the presence of God. He is there. If God is for us, who is against us?

Gloomy Gus and Doleful Dorothy need to count their blessings. They need to lift up their eyes and see the wonderful hope that is in Christ Jesus. They need to be thankful, joyful, and busy in the kingdom. Certainly, things are not what they could be. This is earth. There will always be disappointments, let downs, failures and things that are just not right. We can see all the problems or we cans see all the good.

Why is Gus gloomy and Dorothy doleful? It could be that was the way they were raised. Some households lean towards the negative side of life. They’d rather talk about what’s wrong rather than what’s right. But, as one grows, gloomy and doleful are choices. One doesn’t have to stay that way. One can be different than their parents or even their siblings. Pour yourself into the Gospel—it’s Good News! Surround yourself with the promises and hope of God. Engage in powerful worship. Enjoy the fellowship of brethren. Count your blessings, there are so many.

If God is for us, who is against us? It’s time for Gloomy Gus and Doleful Dorothy to change their ways. They do not realize that the negative spirit is like mold on a wall—it doesn’t go away by itself and it always grows. It spreads to others. And, yes, I can say that I have worshipped in places that were gloomy and doleful. The atmosphere, the building, the attitudes, the way people walked, what they said, nothing but gloom and doom. It makes a person wonder why they don’t just shut the doors and never come back. It isn’t hard to figure out why those places remain small and after a while, mostly one family. Who wants gloom in their life? Who gets excited about worshipping in a gloomy way?

It’s time to lift up your eyes and see the wonderful things that the Savior has for you. There’s no room for gloom in a thankful, blessed heart.

How about you? Are you adding some sunlight to life or are you pulling down the shades with a spirit of gloom and doom? Hit the road gloom. You’re not welcome around here. We are the people of God and we are marching to Zion. It’s great being a child of God!



Jump Start # 1501

Jump Start # 1501

Romans 8:31 “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?”

  Our verse today is selected from the wonderful Romans 8 section where Paul affirms the continuality of God’s love for us. Our verse follows three important thoughts.

First, the Holy Spirit helps our weakness. He intercedes for us.

Second, God causes all things to work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose.

Third, God wants us to be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.

That leads straight to the expression in our verse, “What then shall we say to these things?” These things are amazing. They are powerful principles. They demonstrate God’s love for us. They are proof that God is for us.  Our verse is the first of a series of questions. Paul asks, “If God is for us, who is against us?” Later Paul asks, “Who will bring a charge against God’s elect?” Then, “Who is the one who condemns?” Then, “Who will separate us from the love of Christ?”

Who, who, who. If God is for us, who is against us? I could think of some that would be against us.

Isis is against us, both as a nation, but more so because we are Christians. Atheism is against us. Liberal theology and liberal politics are against us. If given their way, there would be no mention of God, anywhere. They would be just fine if churches were shut down. They see religion as a scam and are irritated that churches do not pay taxes. They want a one direction freedom of speech. They want their voice to be the only voice that is heard.


But more than all that, it is Satan who is against us. Revelation 12 reveals that he has gone to make war with those who hold to the testimony of Christ. Paul, in this question and in this verse, isn’t really looking for a list of those who are against us. That’s not the intention nor the direction of the passage. It doesn’t matter who is against us. It doesn’t matter what they throw at us. For, as long as God is for us, it really doesn’t matter. The battle belongs to the Lord. As long as God is for us, the others will lose. There is no defeating God.


Now, that’s a great thought for us to focus upon today. God is for us. God is on your side. God wants you to win. God is behind you. You have the help of Heaven on your side. You do not battle alone. You do not journey alone. Even through those dark valleys of the shadow of death, Thou art with me, is what the Psalmist declared. God is for us.


This means, God is for your family. God is for you raising your children under His direction. God wants you to pour yourself into shaping those little hearts and teaching those little minds. Teaching them manners, respect, honesty and how to worship God is something that God is for. He will bless you in what you are doing. Don’t get tired and feel like quitting. You can’t. God needs you to help those little ones. If you don’t, who will?


This means, God is for your marriage. God is for you and your mate growing closer to Him and together walking in righteousness and holiness. God is for transparency in your relationship. God is for trust, honor and love in your relationship. God wants your marriage to make it. There are days that we can push each other’s buttons and irritate each other. There are times when all we see are the faults of the other, but God wants you to introduce grace, forgiveness, kindness and love into that relationship. He is for your marriage.


This means, God is for you making it to Heaven. That’s what God wants. But between now and that time, God is for you to walk in holiness. God wants you to be like Jesus. That means God is for you adjusting your attitude. Co-workers, the way some drive, even our family can make us a sour, grouchy and  a complaining mess. We can ruin every moment because of the pity party that we want to hold for our self. We can feel cheated and overlooked. We can be jealous of others. There are some days we don’t even like ourselves. God is for you. God is for you shedding your light into the world. God is for you making a difference in someone’s life. God is for you turning a gossipy conversation around to something useful and helpful. God is for you lifting the load that someone else is carrying. God is for you shedding a little sunshine in the life of another. God is for you inviting your friend to church services. God is for you defending His word in a kind way. God is for you doing the right thing. When God is for you, He will help you. He will open doors for you. He will give you opportunities.  God did that for Paul. When God closed the door to Asia, He opened the door to Macedonia. God did that for the rich man. He gave him opportunity to make a difference in Lazarus’ life. The rich man ignored that chance and he died apart from God.


God is for you. God is for you making it. God is for you doing what is right. What a great thought that is. So many of us grew up with wonderful parents. They sat in the stands while we played sports. They came to our concerts and shows. They were our biggest fans. They were there when we graduated. They were there when we got married. They always wanted us to do well. God is for you, and in a way even greater and deeper than what your parents ever were.


Do you have a challenge before you? Is there a person that you want to talk to about Jesus but you are afraid? Remember, God is for you. Is there someone that you need to talk about their behavior but you are a bit afraid? Remember, God is for you. Is there a teacher that is mocking the Bible and you just know that you need to say something? God is for you. Is there someone bullying another, even spiritually and you know that you need to step in? God is for you.


God is for you doing right. Who is against us? It doesn’t matter. God is for us.


Now, that ought to put some step into your walk today!





Jump Start # 698


Jump Start # 698

Romans 8:31  “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?”

We are running a little theme this week with our Jump Starts. Monday, we looked at being “taught by God.” Yesterday, we considered God working in us. Our passage today shows that God is for us. Together, these verses remind us that God is not idle in our journey through this world. He wants us. He wants us to be with Him. He teaches. He works in us. He is for us.

The setting we find our verse today, is a series of questions that Paul asks.

  • If God is for us, who is against us? (31)
  • Will He not also freely give us all things? (32)
  • Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? (33)
  • Who is the one who condemns? (34)
  • Who will separate us from the love of Christ? (35)

These verses and questions remind us of the enduring love and care of God. No one is greater than God. No one can stop God. No one can limit God. If God is behind you, there is nothing to fear. If God is on you side, nothing can stop you.

I get the impression from some, that life is like a giant game. We are on the field trying to win. On one side of the stadium is Satan. He is booing us. He wants us to lose. Up in the stands, are the heroes of Hebrews 11, surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. And then there is God on the other side. He is cheering for us to win. There have been books written describing this view of life. It may make a great read, but it’s not the way it is. God and Satan are doing much more than cheering from the stands.


Satan is actively trying to tempt you and trip you. He will use any trick that he can. He will use people, things and places. He doesn’t go by the rules, so he will be dishonest, offer false promises and lie. He doesn’t care who he hurts, especially you. He doesn’t care that your feelings are hurt, your mind is confused, or that you want him to leave you alone. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that you are a new Christian, someone that is very busy, or someone that has a lot of people counting upon you. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that his temptation may ruin your marriage and hurt your family. He doesn’t care that his temptation may cause you to get fired from work, lose your home and be in a real mess. He doesn’t care that you may get arrested, addicted, or shunned by everyone in your family. He simply doesn’t care. Satan is no in the stands cheering, he is a roaring lion, seeking someone, especially you, to devour.


God, likewise, is not in the stands simply waving a pennant with your name on it. He is for you. He is with you. He guards your heart, if you will allow it. He will not allow you to be overcome, if you will follow Him. His way will get your past Satan. He knows how to get through the valleys and the darkness of life. His way leads to a robust marriage, powerful friendships, and a purpose in life that is meaningful and makes a difference to others. His word will make you put the breaks on things. His teachings will mold your conscience and guide you. Guilt will make you stop before you go over the edge. Worship will help you get your perspective in order. God is for you. He wants you to succeed, not financially, but spiritually. He wants you to make it to Heaven.

There will be reminders, all sent by God. He will put people in your life, such as parents, preachers, and godly brethren, who will remind you to keep doing right. They will challenge you when you venture off the path. Why is it this way? It’s not just your parents…it’s God. He is for you. He will not sit back and watch you crash your life without doing something. God’s word serves as a reminder. The words of the Bible pop up in different places. There they are. We know those words. They are God’s fingers pointing us back to Him. God is for you.

We are never alone in our spiritual journey. Paul understood this. When standing before the Roman courts, all had deserted him, except God. God strengthened him. God was with him. So it is for us. You do not go alone into surgery, God is with you. You do not stand up to your boss alone, God is with you. You do not remind the church of what is right by yourself, God is with you. He is always where right can be found. He is wanting you to be with Him.

God loves and wants the best. Unlike Satan, who doesn’t care, God does. Everything about God is good and right and beneficial. Everything about Satan is dark, broken and wrong. Satan doesn’t do anything right. Satan promises but never delivers. God, promises and you can count on those.

In a strange twist of things, God is for us, but often I wonder who we are for? God is doing everything He can to get us to Heaven, but our feet aren’t moving. We are standing still. God is thinking more about our soul than we are. God cares about us more than we care about our selves. Very odd, but so true! If God is for me, am I for Him? Do I love Him? He sure loves you. Do I defend Him, or do I let others say blasphemous things about Him? Do I support Him by attending worship, giving, and being a real citizen in His kingdom?

Ever notice the fans in a college football game—you can tell which side they are pulling for. They wear their team colors. Some wave team colored pompoms. Some have their faces painted. They are all about their team. There is no doubt which side they are for. Now how about this spiritually?


God is for us…who are you for?
