Jump Start # 90

Jump Start # 90

Mark 16:15-16 “And He said unto them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved, but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.”

  This is what is commonly called ‘the great commission.’ It was one of the last things Jesus told His disciples before He left earth. They have followed Jesus for three years. They have witnessed incredible things. Powerful miracles, such as, calming violent storms, raising the dead, casting out demons, multiplying food, and curing lepers were many of the things they saw Jesus do. There was nothing Jesus could not do. His actions were never selfish nor seeking fame. He helped the helpless. He was the friend of outcasts. He would not back down to the prejudices of religious leaders. These disciples were witnesses to the incredible teaching of Jesus. He always had the right answer. He always had the right attitude. He always pointed people to His Father.

  The three years spent with Jesus were classroom time. They learned. They saw. They became “discipled.” They were molded and changed. But all of this wasn’t just for them. The Lord taught them so that they would teach others. He changed them so they could take the changing message to the world. And they did. These simple Galieans who never traveled very far went into the whole world. These simple fisherman became gospel preachers and they preached and preached the saving message of Jesus Christ. They went to Asia, Africa, Europe with this message. They started churches. They carried with them the greatest piece of evidence, their testimony. They saw. They heard. They were there. They knew the Christ.

  Today, we live spiritually upon the work that these early disciples did. Because of their tireless effort multitudes were taught. They didn’t entice people with fun and games. They didn’t build schools and hospitals. Their work was the work of Christ and that was saving people through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  And today, that commission falls upon us. Our forefathers passed it on to us. Now it is our turn. We can continue this and be a part of this long line of followers that connect back to Jesus or it can all end right here. We have been taught to teach others. We have been saved to save others. We are called upon to “go.” Go tell it on the mountain is a grand old song. Go tell it to your parents and brothers and sisters, and cousins, and uncles and co-workers and neighbors. Go tell it to acquaintances. Go and tell is what Jesus wants us to do.

  First, we must know this message. Then, we ourselves, must obey and live it. Then, we tell. We, like the ancient sower in our Lord’s parables, spread the seed of God’s word everywhere. Not all will accept. Not all will want it. Not all will obey. But when that seed lands in the good soil, wonderful things will happen. It is time for churches and members to get back to what Jesus wants from us. So many have left that original call. I love to tell the story…I love to hear the story…and now I can be a part of that story, myself, as I go and tell.

  How do I do that? I invite people to services. I engage people in spiritual conversations. I have Bible studies with others. I write, I email, I facebook, I twitter God’s message. I point people to my Father, just as my Jesus did. I share sermon cd’s, I pass on class material, I invite them to read and ask them what they think about that. I share the Gospel.

  Hosea complained that the seed was still in the barn. The farmer with the best equipment and nicest farm fails if the seed stays in the barn. The barn today, may be the church building. It’s time to open the doors up and get the seed and spread it on the soil. That is the only way a harvest will come.

  Jesus said, “go.” Will you go? He wants you to.
