Jump Start # 136

Jump Start # 136

Job 2:9 “Then his wife said t him, ‘Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die!”

  Job’s wife cracked under pressure. She collapsed and caved in. Satan got to her and she threw in the towel. Job’s suffering intensives in the second chapter. God allows Satan to afflict Job. He is given one limitation, Satan cannot take Job’s life. Satan smote Job with boils from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. Job was miserable. His friends did not even recognize him. Job’s wife had enough. Give up, is her advice. She told Job to curse God because she felt that God was doing this to Job. God was no longer worthy to be followed, she thought, if He would afflict such a righteous person like Job. Satan thought Job would do the same, but he didn’t. We sometimes think that Job’s wife was a witness to all this suffering, but she suffered, too. It was her children that all died. There is something devastating about parents having to bury their children. That is not the order of things. But it happens. I’ve seen it.

  Job’s response to his wife is harsh. He tells her that she speaks like a “foolish woman.” Job is not ready to turn his back on God. Even after all this, Job clings to God.

  Our passage is important. It shows that even within the same family, people react to pain and suffering differently. It also reveals that husbands and wives are not always at the same place spiritually, one may be stronger than the other. Sometimes the faith of one in the marriage begins to die. One doesn’t want to go to church services. Excuses are offered. Sometimes one will try to get the other to stay home. Attempts to go places and do things rather than going to services are made. But it’s not just skipping church services, it’s the dying of faith that takes place. Prayers are no longer offered. Questionable and even wrong behavior that would never have been done before begins to take place.

  We could spend much time talking about the “why’s”. Sometimes it’s the suffering and pain the family has been through. Sometimes it’s a bad experience the family has had with members who are not as they ought to be.

  Whatever the reason, we see the example of Job. He remained with God. He stayed the course. He didn’t quit even when his wife wanted him to. Satan did not conquer Job. He was hurt. He suffered. It was brutal but he remained with God. This is what must be done in the marriage. To compromise for the sake of the one whose faith is dying only kills your faith. To lessen your commitment gives Satan a foothold. It’s hard, very hard.

  Some of you may be there right now. You share a home, a life, a family, but not a faith with your mate. The interest is not there. They do not want to attend services. They do not want to talk about it. Good in all other areas but nothing spiritually. Our hearts break for you. It is your strength, not weakness that will make a difference. Job is your example. Job is your hero. Pray for strength. Talk with others. But don’t give in. That’s what Satan is counting on.

  For those who don’t walk this road, you and your mate are one in name and faith, thank the Lord. Be patient and understanding to those who are not united in faith. Life is hard. But God is good. And Heaven awaits us. The journey ends with God!
