Jump Start # 253

Jump Start # 253

Ruth 1:16-17 “But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the Lord do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me.”

    These are sweet words spoken by Ruth. Preachers have used these in weddings. The circumstances of these words make a wonderful lesson.

    A Jewish couple, along with their two sons, from the tribe of Ephraim move to Moab. While in Moab, the man dies. The two sons grow and marry women from Moab. The two sons die. All that is left is the mother and her two daughter-in-laws. The mother prepares to return to Judah, where she was from. She tells her daughter-in-laws to return to their people. One does. The other, Ruth, refuses. She travels with the mother back to Judah. In time, Ruth meets and marries Boaz. She had a son, Obed, who became the grandfather of David, the shepherd, the giant killer, the king of Israel.

  It is interesting how God works things and moves things and arranges things. We don’t see it at the time, but He is busy fulfilling His will in the lives of people all around.

  I want to look at this statement of Ruth. It reflects the love she had for her mother-in-law. As it turned out, it just turned out well. But in doing this, Ruth not only left her home land of Moab, she left the faith of her people. Moab was a pagan nation. Idols were common. To embrace the God of Israel, included the 10 commandments and no other gods. Her reason for changing was not so much that she saw the difference, understood and was taught, it was her feelings for her mother-in-law.

  I wonder what would have happened if the roles were reversed? What if Ruth was from Israel and her mother-in-law from Moab? Would she still say, “your God will be my God?” Often, when couples date and fall in love, the subject of church or faith doesn’t come up until trying to find a place to get married. How sad. The joining of two hearts, two lives, two check books, includes two faiths. When one is a believer and the other is indifferent or just, different, it creates issues and problems many don’t think about. Then, if children are born, which faith, which church, which way are we going to train them?

  I love the spirit of Ruth. I am glad that she did not return to Moab, like her sister–in-law did. I think God had things planned that no one else could see. But to embrace a faith without knowing what it is about, without understanding what is required is blind and can lead to great regret.

  Couples need to talk about God. They need to bring along a Bible on a date and study. They need both to come to understand the God of the Bible and His ways. A couple that is committed to the Lord is a powerful and wonderful sight. Strong, connected and helping others is something you will find in such a couple. None of this, “Do we have to go to church today?” stuff. When one is having a bad day, the other is there to encourage and pick the other up emotionally and spiritually. Prayers shared at the table. A family that is raised in the way of the Lord. The joy of being one in name and one in aim.

  It’s sad to see couples not like this. Something is just missing. One comes to worship the other is never seen. Or, if they both come, one is not engaged. It is as if God is a burden rather than a blessing. It is as if God is squeezing the joy out of life rather than God is the source of both life and joy.

  If you’re not married, get serious about your faith and the faith of the one you are dating. If you are married, and your mate doesn’t believe, or doesn’t care, work at it in a positive manner. Present God as glorious. Find ways to encourage the things of God. Talk about these things. Many have fears and bad experiences from the past.

  Those that have a mate that loves the Lord and is walking with Him, you are blessed. Thank the Lord, not just for your mate, but for the faith of your mate. Help them to be strong. Together, find ways to serve the Lord.

  Your God shall be my God is possible. How wonderful it is, when done right!
