Jump Start # 652


Jump Start # 652

Romans 12:21 “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

The words of Romans 12 are good reminders today. When evil raises it’s head, the natural response is to strike it down and to strike it down very hard. Another mass killing has taken place in our country. This is getting to be something that is too common. These killings do not come from a foreign nation striking us, but deranged citizens who shoot innocent people. These are senseless and beyond reason. Whatever the motive, there is no reason that justifies killing innocent people. Stories come about acts of bravery and those who risked their own lives to save others.

Romans 12 identifies three important principles regarding the Christian’s response toward evil.

  • Never pay back evil to evil to anyone. Stooping to evil to crush evil is not God’s way. Hurting others is not the answer. Our attitude and our anger must be kept in check, even in the midst of evil.
  • Leave room for the vengeance of God. God will deal with evil. He does this in two ways. First, these thoughts flow into the next chapter where Paul addresses the rights of a government. The government is there called the minister of God. The government serves as God’s servant to make laws and enforce those laws. One level of justice comes from the law. The other level will come from God Himself at the judgment. Crime does not pay and no one will get away with murder. God is still on the throne. No one escapes the hand of God.
  • Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. It is easy when the ugliness of evil has come upon us to become mean and evil ourselves. Paul did not want brethren to be destroyed by evil. Don’t let evil win. Evil is not defeated by good people becoming bad but rather by good people continuing to do good. Kind acts, good deeds must continue. This is how evil is overcome.

Will there be a time when there are no more outbursts of evil? Will we ever get to the point where sin, crime and violence are not making the headlines? No, not in this world. These crimes are examples of a broken and busted world. They show what happens when God is not an anchor in a soul. When there is no respect for life, no value for life, these wrong things will happen. Will taking away guns be the answer? Some will try that. That doesn’t stop an evil heart. Evil finds another avenue to be evil. Will more laws help? Usually not. What’s the answer? Christ. Teaching people about Jesus and turning lives to Christ is the hope.

Evil will not win. We know that. Revelation shows the defeat of Satan. He and his kind are doomed to Hell. The righteous will reign with Christ. The righteous are not defeated because evil strikes them. Jesus said the gates of hades will not prevail over His kingdom. Death itself does not stop God’s kingdom.

We need more prayers for safety. We need more Bibles opened to the Gospels. We need more homes that are teaching right from wrong. We need not to turn to evil to stop evil.

Say a prayer for the families in Colorado. Say a prayer for your family. Walk with the Lord.
