Jump Start # 1118

Jump Start # 1118

2 Corinthians 11:3 “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”


I like the hymn, “Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word…” The story of Christ is paramount to our faith. It is what Christianity is all about. The apostle Paul was concerned about the Corinthians. There was a threat of war taking place in the hearts of those brethren. Another Jesus, another spirit, another gospel   is always a threat. Influences from critics were making them question things that they once knew and accepted. Paul’s credibility was the center of attack. Our verse today bears out the marks of error: deception and craftiness. Deceived minds were abandoning the simplicity and purity of the Gospel.


The expression, “simplicity” is what I want to focus on today. The message is simple. The hard part is the doing. Staying with it for the long haul can be hard. The message of Jesus was first told by our Lord to fishermen, like Peter. They told it to others. Simple, common people hearing the simple message of the Gospel. The Gospel is for all.


History has revealed attempts to make the message more complicated and difficult. The distinction between clergy and laity is not a Bible concept—it’s the work of man, and more so, Satan. The clergy alone had the intellect, training and knowledge to know God’s will. Everyone else had to blindly do whatever the clergy said. Shades of deception and craftiness right there. Centuries later, it was the University taught doctors of divinity that shaped and led religious thought. No one cared what the mechanic thought. The faith of the housewife was nothing next to these intellectual giants. That spirit is still alive in many circles today.


A new perspective is now being touted by many. A new way of looking at the Bible. Insights into ancient language, customs and times, changes how the Bible ought to be viewed and understood. I’m all for insights, learning and education, especially Biblically, but what about that housewife? What about that mechanic? What about the simple believers in the 1300’s? Could they not know the will of God? Could they not please God?


The message doesn’t have to be complicated to be good, right and helpful. Sermons do not have to be sprinkled with big words, ancient languages, quotes from scholars to be helpful, truthful and faith building. The sermon on the mount is deep with application, but not in understanding. The prayer that Jesus taught His disciples is simple yet layered with application. Jesus spoke the words of the people. He was understood. There is a place for the college lecture, the academic study but it may not be in the pulpit. The simple message believed, followed and cherished is what we need today.


Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word. Simple message. Simple words. Simple conclusions. Make it so everyone understands. Make is plain. Make it so that young people know. Make it attractive as Jesus did. Make it personal as Jesus did. Make it so a person will look within, as Jesus did. Make it so lives will change, as Jesus did.


The simplicity of the Gospel. That’s the way it came. Don’t change it. It worked that then and it will work today.


Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word.


