Jump Start # 3527

Jump Start # 3527

2 Timothy 3:16-17  “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”

Starting points are important. If you are planning a trip, you need to know where you are in order to know what roads to take. When booking a flight, one begins with the starting point. What airport are you flying out of? That will determine what flights are available and what airport you can fly to.

I’ve noticed in some of the deep restoration readings I’ve been doing lately, that the starting point is essential in spiritual matters. Call it theology. Call it ideology. Call it starting points. How one looks at the Scriptures and the nature of the church determines his philosophy about how things are to be.

For instance, if one views what we read in Acts as a starting point, but built within that is the concept that the church evolves, changes, grows, adapts through the years, then social programs, educational platforms, and the wholeness of man will be viewed as something natural and right. One writer said, “How can one begin with the church in Acts and then over look the centuries of development that the church has underwent and the contributions of great leaders through the years?” In his eyes, the church is ever evolving and changing. Where did this idea come from? It came from his starting point. Thus, missionary societies, instrumental music, support of colleges, development of deaconesses, even women preachers are all natural and understandable when one looks at the starting point. Because certain things are not in the Scriptures does not bother these folks. Their starting point wasn’t a fixed and final point.

But the opposite starting point is also natural and true when one understands how some view things. For others, the starting point is determined and established by God. What is given in the N.T. is what God wanted. The church does not evolve, change and adapt through the years. God made the church sufficient to do all that it was supposed to do. The plan of the church given to us in the Scriptures is perfect. A strictness to the Scriptures is emphasized.

Two very different  views about the Scriptures and the church. Both groups feel that they are right. Both groups disagree with each other. One, appears to be progressive, but they view the other group as narrow, strict and even legalistic. They think the other group has become sectarian and choked the life out of the church. But the second group views the first group as loose, careless  and progressive with the Scriptures and doing things without the authority of God. Neither group will have anything to do with each other.

Historically, this can be traced through the Restoration Movement with influential names on both sides. When both groups are part of the same congregation, tensions flare. It will only be a matter of time until one of the groups leaves. The congregation will split and lines will be drawn.

So, the issue is not worship, patterns, or what is authorized. We spend a lot of time on those things. One needs to look at the starting point. Is what the Holy Spirit delivered a fixed point for all time or was it intended to be developed, modified and progress through the ages? The answer to that question, will determine whether the church is fluid, changing, evolving or defined and fixed as found in the Scriptures.

But that question leads to another question. Is our discipleship with Christ fixed or fluid? Does discipleship evolve through the ages? Is what God expects, requires and is pleased with the same today as in the 1200s? How about back to the first century? Is the Christian today basically the same as the first Christians?

Here is the backstory to this article. I was reading something about Indiana’s famed preacher, Benjamin Franklin, likely the most popular and influential preacher after Alexander Campbell. The writer was labeling Franklin as a “misfit.” And, he came to that conclusion because Franklin’s starting point was fixed. He opposed the progressive spirit that became popular after the Civil War. He was militant and fought the changes that many were introducing. The Progressives, as they were called, had a different starting point. They saw nothing wrong with churches cooperating together, organizations larger than the individual congregation, and a host of new ideas. The American Civil War was over, but a new civil war was taking place among brethren. And, it all had to do with starting points. How do you view the Scriptures and the church.

Conservatives see red lights and they want to stop. Progressives see green lights and they want to go. Others, see yellow lights and they are cautious. Some stop. Some proceed slowly. Some speed ahead. And, the issue at hand is not the good that is done. It is not how much we like or dislike something. It comes down to how one views things. That question must be settled first. Is the starting point fixed or can it be moved?

What  I have not done in this article is explain what I believe the answer is. I think that is something every person needs to do.

Where is your starting point?



Jump Start # 817


Jump Start # 817

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”

Our passage today is a very familiar one to many of us. Like a movie that we have seen over and over, a familiar passage can lose it’s freshness with us because we know it so well. The insight and reflection and depth that can be found in rich passages, such as this one, tend to be nothing new. However, let’s take a look at this passage. There is much there.


All Scripture is inspired by God. Not some Scripture. Not most Scripture. Not the big stuff. Not just the doctrine. All Scripture. The expression, “inspired by God” means God breathed. There are words that are “breathed” out. Try this: put your hand right in front of your mouth and say aloud the word “peace”. Feel your breath. Many words are “breathed.” God breathed the Bible. The words came from God. The choice of words. The order of the words. These all came from God. It helps once in a while to look at words in the language they were spoken in. The New Testament was in Greek. It traveled through the Latin language, then the German language before it became English. There are a lot of jumps there. Some times words lose their power in all of those jumps. The word “love” is one example. The Greeks had multiple words for love. We have one. The Bible is God’s book, not ours. The Bible is the heart of God revealed. Don’t fall for Satan’s little tricks that there are missing books, like the Gospel of Thomas, or things were added later on. There is so much proof and evidence for what we have that those thoughts don’t stand a chance.

This God breathed book is profitable. Profit is good. Profit means growth, advancement. The Bible will do just that.


  • It is profitable for teaching. Some translations say, “doctrine.” Simply, the Bible tells us what is right. God defines the boundaries of right and wrong. We need to know. Can you imagine playing a game, any game, and you don’t know the rules. Life has rules. God defines them. This is important. The church doesn’t decide, God does! When someone asks, “what does your church teach about…” they are asking the wrong question. It doesn’t matter what the church believes. God defines. A Methodist church in Carolina has declared that they will not hold any weddings until the states allow same-sex marriages. They are petitioning all churches to go along with them. No one gets married until we allow the homosexuals marriage. Who do these people think they are? We do not make the rules. God does. It seems that they are a social and political front that believes the whims of society changes the rules. Study the history of Methodist doctrine. They didn’t think homosexuality was acceptable fifty years ago. Who changed? God? Their doctrine. God sets the rules, not the church. The only by-laws or creed a church has is the word of God. Anything else, ought to be tossed out with the trash!


  • It is profitable for reproof. This defines what is not right. God warns. He tells us what is wrong. The Bible is necessary for that. We need to know. The world is dangerous and Satan is alive and well and after us. Warnings protect. Warnings keep us safe.
  • It is profitable for correction. That simply is how to get right. When we are wrong, how do we get right? God’s word tells us. Faith in Christ, who is our Savior is the answer. All have sinned, the Romans were told. All, therefore, need to know how they can be right.
  • It is profitable for training in righteousness. That is how to stay right. How do we keep on the path? How do we keep ourselves between the ditches? The Bible is the answer. It shows. It teaches. It provides examples. It is message that we need.

The Bible provides us with the tools that are necessary to go about life. Worry a problem? The Bible has an answer for that. Lust knocking on your door? The Bible has great examples of what to do. Fear? Sorrow? Questions about what happens after death? Go to the Bible. The answers are there. Now the Bible won’t answer every question I have. It is not intended to. Which TV show should I watch? The Bible won’t answer that. Which stock should I invest in? The Bible won’t answer that. The Bible deals with character, faith, and God. It is intended to connect me to my Savior and then to my God. It is intended to build faith and trust in God. It is made to mold me into the image of God’s Son. It is written to show me how to find God’s grace and go to Heaven.

Used properly, the Bible will get you to Heaven. Misuse it and you will get into all kinds of messes. A person cannot be wrong with the book and right with God. You cannot separate the message from God. A person misunderstands when he says, “I know God, but I don’t know much about the Bible.” The book tells us about the author. Without the book, we are left to speculations, guess and ideas that are without foundation. To know God is to know the Bible. To obey God is to obey the Bible.

The Bible– a message from God. The greatest book of all time. The greatest help of all time. Get to know the Bible. TV shows about the Bible may be fun to watch, but they do not replace the actual story. Open the book and find out for yourself!
