Jump Start # 2954

Jump Start # 2954

Acts 2:44 “And all those who had believed were together, and had all things in common.”

Some call it “community.” Others like the term, “church family.” “Gathering” is another popular expression these days. Each of these are reflections of the same idea, Christians being together. That is where our verse today takes us. Those who believed were together. Like little birds huddled together on a cold winter morning, these believers received spiritual warmth and comfort by being together.

We need to remind ourselves of the joys and benefits of our togetherness. Staying home and watching worship on a screen might work when you are not feeling well, but it’s time for us get up, get out and get together.

First, there is encouragement and strength when we are with other believers. Alone is when discouragement is the worst. Jesus was tempted when He was alone in the wilderness. Alone, our problems seem larger than what they really are. Alone, we have doubts about whether we can continue on. But together, we can make it.

Studying the Bible with others is always richer than just by yourself. There are other perspectives, insights and thoughts you have never considered before. Bible classes are just that. It’s more than just getting the information about a text of Scripture, it’s sharing, receiving and learning from one another. It’s being challenged when we would not do that ourselves.

Worship is more powerful when there are others with you. The Corinthians were told, “When you come together.” That’s it. Coming together. Coming together to blend our voices, bow our heads, open our Bibles, share in the communion and pool our money together. Fellowship and unity necessitates others. Fellowship is about “fellows,” or togetherness.

Second, coming together opens our eyes to serve others. Alone, you tend to forget about others. Alone, you think of only yourself. But when surrounded by others you learn about this one having surgery or that one having some struggles. And, those very things becomes opportunities for you to serve. And, through serving, our bond with each other grows closer and stronger.

Third, God made us to be sociable. It was not good for Adam to be alone. God did not provide a dog to solve that problem. He provided another human being. A helper. Someone that was suitable to him and complimented him. Within our DNA is the need for interaction with others. There are family and friends. There are neighbors and co-workers. All of these circles of relationships are important. We need them. But we also need that social interaction with those who share a common faith as we have. We need spiritual connections. We need to be able to talk about the deeper subjects in life and our concerns spiritually. This is where friends, family, neighbors and co-workers come up short. Often, they are not believers. Often, they are not concerned about the spiritual side of life. Often, they do not have an understanding of God’s ways. Often, they are only interested in the now and in secular matters. Politics, sports, weather—you can find about anyone to talk about those things, even strangers. But what about a passage of Scripture? What about evangelism? What about spiritual growth? What about the kingdom? Who are you going to talk to about those things? When we do not have that network of believers, our need for social interaction is then limited to talking about things of the world. That in turn has a long term effect upon us. The kingdom isn’t first in our hearts. Our time, our minds, our interests, becomes what our circle of social influences are.

Fourth, among believers, we will find a greater desire to do what is right and godly. Peer pressure isn’t always negative. The challenge to do more, be better, grow faster and involve yourself more comes from our interaction with each other. The young learn from the old. The old is encouraged by the young.

Remember, as a kid in the summer, the game Red Rover, Red Rover. A line of kids, with their arms locked together, would stand like a wall as a kid came running to break through. Solomon said a cord of three stands is not quickly torn apart. It’s easy to rip a sheet of paper. Put ten sheets of paper together, and it’s much, much harder to do.

You know where you can find strong Christians on a Sunday? They are with other believers worshipping. Those early disciples came together. You need that. You need that for yourself and you need that to help others.

Together—in person, in faith, in direction, in goals, in Heaven.



Jump Start # 2630

Jump Start # 2630

Acts 2:44 “And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common”

Together has taken on special meaning for many of us. We’ve worshipped, but it’s been apart. We’ve watched videos, livestream and listened to podcasts. We’ve gotten the information. We’ve been encouraged by the hard work of faithful preachers. We’ve worked through Bible studies, classes and shared things on social media. Through all of us, our spirits and our souls have been fed, but what has been missing is the “together” part. And, that part, the “togetherness,” is essential to life.

Families don’t do well when they are apart. Everyone eating in their own rooms, watching their own shows, looks more like an apartment than a home. And, congregations do not do well when we are apart. We are starting to meet back together where I worship. It’s not the way it used to be, but it’s a step. I heard several saying “Watching the video and livestream is just not the same as being here.” And, it’s not. It will never be. It shouldn’t be. Technology as wonderful as it is cannot and should not ever replace our presence. There may be some who won’t come back. They’d rather stay at home in their ‘jamas and watch a sermon than getting down to the church building. Fellowship provides a benefit that is unlike listening to a sermon. We need sermons, but we also need smiles, waves, elbow bumps, hugs and eye contact.

Here’s what I like about “together”:

First, I like to see a building full of people. People of all ages, backgrounds and different parts of the journey. Little ones being carried by their mothers. It makes you wonder if someday that little one will be leading singing. Old ones who have so many stories, battle scars and such a deep, deep love for our Lord. They were blessed to sit at the feet of some of the finest preachers. Their Bibles, like their lives are worn out, but their love and desire is as strong as ever. Young and in love, sitting together, sharing the same Bible, whispering to one another once in a while. You look at them and wonder if they will someday get married. You wonder if they will have children. You wonder what great things that young couple may do for the Lord. Together, such a wonderful experience.

Second, I like to look and see all the shepherds of this flock. They are spread throughout the building. You see in their eyes that they are looking over the flock. They are probably wondering where some are. They are in little conversations here and there with different folks. It’s like being at home. Things just seem better when dad was there. It’s the same way with the shepherds. You feel safe, inside and out when they are around. You love their smiles. You know they care, it’s in their DNA.

Third, I like to see all the folks who are busy as little bees doing what they do to make worship as wonderful as it can be. Some are up in the media booth, pushing buttons, getting things all set up to record. Some are making sure all the lights are on and even picking up a piece of paper that was overlooked. Others are getting the Lord’s Supper all set. Some are at the doors, greeting and welcoming us as we come in. It’s a little army of people who arrive early on Sundays just to make sure everything is just right. They want to give God the best and this is one of the great ways that they serve.

Fourth, I like to see the thoughtful prayers of those who lead the worship of God. They put thought into what they are saying. They give it their all. Kind, reverent, praiseworthy are their thoughts to Heaven. It’s an honor to have them speak for all of us. So often, someone says something that I haven’t thought about. I’m glad they did that.

Fifth, I like to see Bibles. Nothing says more about standing with God than having an open Bible. Bibles opened and following. Bibles, on tablets, phones, and in print, all saying the same things. Open Bibles represent a standard that is believed. Open Bibles chase the devil out of the building. Open Bibles mean that we may not all see things eye to eye, but looking into our Bibles we will stand together and untied. Open Bibles is the first steps to a growing faith.

Finally, I like to see each other because it reminds me that I am not alone on this journey. There are others who love me, support me and will watch out for me, as I do for them. Together illustrates the family concept of the church. Together reinforces the help that we have in our battles each day. Together, in voice, in heart, in work, in worship and someday, in Heaven. When we get to Heaven, we will know people there. We will know the faithful of God that we spent a lifetime worshipping with. They will be there. Fond reunions that will not have to end because of time or places to go. Precious memories. Won’t it be wonderful there?

Together. Nothing beats it. Let’s not forget how important, together is.
