Jump Start # 3038

Jump Start # 3038

Genesis 1:27 “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.”

As I write this, dark clouds fill the skies. Thunder is heard rumbling in the distance. A storm is coming. And, how symbolic this is for our times. “Troublesome times are here,” begins one of our hymns. We don’t need someone to tell us this. All around we see this. Civil unrest. Citizens not happy with the government. Crime escalating. Culture reshaping the thinking of young people.

Recently, one of our Jump Start readers wrote me asking for help with what to do. This person works in the medical field. A female patient came in with her mom. The front desk coordinator instructed the medical staff not to use the words, “she” or “her.” They were to use, “they” or “their.” The patient had declared non-gender. This person was dealing with anxiety and depression issues. The patient was seeing both counselors and psychiatrists. The medical company this questioner works for just added “inclusion” as one of the company core values. “As a Christian,”  she asks,  “how am I to deal with non-gender people?” I would add, how are to love the world when the world puts us in such difficult situations?

I see the storm clouds rolling in. What times we live in. Young. Confused. Depressed. What troublesome times we live in. I will be honest in that I do not know if I have the right answers. Some days, I’m not sure if  I even have any answers.

First, medically, I would tell this person that you may identify with non-gender preference, but your physical body is either male or female. Therefore, as a person in the medical staff, I must treat you as you are biologically. Women’s health and men’s health are not the same. There are hospitals designated as “Women’s Hospital” just because of the unique and special issues that are within a woman’s body. You may want me to call you “They” or “Their,” but I will have to treat you as a man or a woman for which you are.

In some ways, the medical area may be one of the easier ways to deal with this. I know school teachers who must refer to a child as “They” or “Their,” and recognize that they are “non-gender.” The corporate world has embraced this ideology with open arms. It’s hard to navigate through these things as a Christian.

Second, “they” and “their” are plural words and not good English when talking about an individual. In a world that wants “inclusion,” why are words being used that are “exclusive?” If there is a “they,” then there must be an “us.” Us and them. That’s the language of division, separation and isolation. Rather than calling someone, “they,” how about “Us?” Are we not both of the human race? Are we not both sharing this planet? Within this gender crisis discussion are layers of different thoughts and issues. Some will say that biologically, there was a mistake. I am a woman trapped in a man’s body. Some will lean upon the psychological ideology of “If I feel a certain way, then it is that way.” Feelings become the basis of justification. Then there is the philosophical demand that states “I have a right to choose whatever gender I want.” Different issues. Different strands of thought. Different concerns. And, all of them difficult for a Christian to navigate through.

As a Christian, we need to treat all people with fairness. Jesus showed us this. The Pharisees complained “what kind of woman” was washing Jesus’ feet. They fussed at tax collectors and sinners surrounding Jesus. The Pharisees would have built a monastery for only their kind. Not Jesus. In Samaria, talking to a woman who had gone through five marriages and was living with someone. In the home of Zacchaeus, a tax collector. In the temple, with Pharisees. Name calling, those under the breath derogatory comments, rolling the eyes must not be found among us. It’s hard to say we love the world, when we act like we don’t. The golden rule, treat others like you would like to be treated, doesn’t fit only in the church house. It fits in the work place, the school house, the neighborhood and at family reunions. Treat everyone as Jesus would.

If someone wanted me to call him “they,” I think the first thing I would say is “why?” Their response would likely be, “I’m not male or a female. I’m neither.” I believe I would then ask, “Can I call you by your name? You do have a name, don’t you?” Now, this will bother some of us. Call a biological male a female name may sound like you are condoning or approving of this behavior and lifestyle.

Several years ago I conducted a funeral with a Catholic priest. Part of the family was Catholic and part were N.T. Christians. The priest was “Father” Dave. He said, “You call be ‘Father Dave.’” I was uncomfortable with that. I asked, “Can I call you ‘Dave?’ I don’t think he was real pleased with me, but I did what I had to. And, so must you.

The manager of the bank I go to always says, “Do I call you Pastor, or Reverend?” I tell her, ‘Just call me Roger.’ And, I think honesty here is the key. If you tell someone that I understand you want to be identified in a different way, I’m just having trouble with some of this. I don’t want to offend you, but what can we agree upon?

As a Christian, we have the right to tell someone the truth, in love and gentleness. When someone declares that I am a woman trapped in a male body, my response would be, “You know God doesn’t make mistakes. Have you thought about that?” Paul told the Corinthians, “For even if there are so-called gods whether in Heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we exist for Him…” (1 Cor 8:5-6a). Was Paul giving approval, condoning or acknowledging the pagan gods of his world? There are many gods, he said.

Now, according to the company policy, you might say, I will help you the best I can. I will be honest, fair and right with you. I will work hard for you and give it my all. I do that because I am a Christian, and, God loves you. I want you to know that.

There is a very thin tight rope that disciples are forced to walk upon today in the corporate world. We have seen with public broadcasters, saying the wrong thing can get one fired on the spot. The world is trying with all its might to dim our light. Prayers and faith are a necessity in these times. The opponents of faith are quick to point a finger at us and declare that we are guilty of judging because we will not go as far as they want us to go.

Let us pray for our brethren who are faced with these difficult issues and choices. Let us be patient and encouraging. There’s no place for, “Well, I’d tell them that they all going to Hell.” We aren’t in the Hell business. The Gospel is good news and life and hope are in Jesus.

God has defined and solved the gender issue. There is no confusion. The confusion lies with us and not with God.



Jump Start # 2454

Jump Start # 2454

Genesis 1:27 “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”


A friend called the other day wanting some advice. He was getting ready to have a conversation and a Bible study with a young man who now claimed to be a woman. His question to me was, “Do I call him by his male name or his female name?”


We are travelling down some treacherous waters these days. School teachers are forced to refer to students by the gender of their choice, not their birth. Churches are now having to address topics that they never have before. A boy is dating a boy, yet, the boy he is dating, claims to be a girl. Is that ok? There was a time, not too long ago, when people sitting down with elders to discuss placing membership within a congregation were asked about their marriage and whether they had been divorced and if so for what reasons. That was common. Now, it’s coming to a place where elders may have to start asking a couple what their gender was at birth. Boys are wanting to be girls and girls are wanting to be boys. It’s definitely a mixed up, crazy world as the Kinks sang about a long time ago.


But in all of these discussions about gender identity and changing gender, there seems to be one assumption that is overlooked. I’ve read where some claim that they are a female trapped in a male body. So, their entire life is a journey to escape from that and be who they were truly meant to be. Some have even been so bold as to say that God made a mistake. Does God ever make mistakes?


The assumption that these discussions often begin with is that a person has the right to be what they want to be. They have the right to be happy. If a person is unhappy as a male, then they ought to be able to change and become a female. But, where is it proven that a person has a right to be what they want to be? Gender identity strikes at the authority of God. There are certain privileges and rights that belong to God and God alone. To assume that we can usurp these rights is without Biblical precepts. In essence, we are dong what we have no right to do. We understand this in other aspects of life. The President of the United States can’t make laws. He can sign laws or veto laws, but he himself does not have the positon nor the right to do that. Bills are made through the legislature and they become laws when he signs them. He is without authority or right to make laws on his own. Unless you are the owner of your company, you cannot determine on your own what the company policy will be. There is a process and many people that form policies. A member, including the preacher, or the elders, can determine what a church will believe and practice. God has already determined that in the Bible. It is not within our rights to decide what we will believe or what we won’t. When driving, I cannot determine whether a red light applies to me or not. Now, I can run a red light, and, I might get away with it. But I could also cause an accident and I’d be at fault or I could be pulled over by the police and be given a ticket. I cannot justify running the red light by declaring, “I decided that red does not mean stop.” Not only will that not fly in a court of law, but it might be determined that I shouldn’t be driving at all.


Only the person with the authority has the right to set forth what is allowed. When it comes to determining our gender, no where in the Scriptures do we find God passing that right on to us. He did not give that right to prophets, kings or apostles. Some things belong solely to God. To take that right is to steal from God. If I took my doctor’s prescription and started writing prescriptions that would be wrong, illegal and dangerous. I do not have that right. Even though I could pretty much guess what the doctor would write, I do not have the authority to do that. Gender identity, worship, Bible doctrine, marriage are a few items that belong strictly with God. We must take our hands off of them and stop trying to adjust, change and restructure these things. They belong to God and God alone.


Especially, with gender identity, God has made it such that it cannot be changed. Sure a man can have an operation to change body parts, wear makeup, dress like a girl, change his name and tell others that he is a female, but what he cannot do is change his chromosomes. That is set at birth. God determines that. A person can try to change the outside of the package all they want, but what God has set on the inside cannot be altered.


The gender identity issue is just the latest in a long, long history of man robbing from God. Modern worship doesn’t look anything like you read about in the Bible. Who gave these church leaders the right to change what God has given us? The organization of most modern churches doesn’t model the N.T. pattern at all. So many look like corporate America. Who gave those folks the right to change what God set forth? Abortion rights. Same sex marriage rights. Now, gender equality rights. This is nothing more than a long stream of people stealing from God and getting away with it.


Years ago a group of teenagers took down a stop sign at an intersection as a prank. There was a car accident, because there was no stop sign. Someone was killed. The teens were caught, arrested and went to prison. It was not their right to remove a sign that said stop. Who gives us the right to remove God’s sign that says, “Stop”? No one. We just did it. And, the result is spiritual crashes over and over again.


Let God be God. There are some things that are off limits to us. Picking the forbidden fruit seems like fun, but it always results with someone getting harmed. Genesis says, “God made them male and female.” He did not say, “Who wants to be the boy and who wants to be the girl?” Nor did He say, “If you don’t like things the way they are, you can always change them.”


Male and female—He made them that way on purpose. Let God be God.





Jump Start # 1946

Jump Start # 1946

Genesis 1:27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Another mass shooting in our country. This one, the worst ever. This is not the kind of records that we want broken. Innocent people having fun at a concert are cast immediately into eternity. There is no “do overs,” on this. Once one has passed through the doorway of death, there is no coming back. Tragic. Shocking. Wrong. Sad. The politicians will argue about guns, but nothing much will change. Those in charge of security, will come up with more ways to try to keep us safe. But there is a greater and more fundamental issue at stake here. It’s holding to a reverence and a respect for life. Man is not the same as animals. We are, as our passage reminds us, not only created by God, but we are created in His image. We are like God. His stamp is upon us. Man was never made equal with the animal world.


When people lose reverence for life, they become selfish, indifferent and full of hate. The authorities are looking for a motive, a reason. Why did this guy flip? Gambling debts? Mental? Angry? Connected to fringe groups? We may never know. Without God in one’s life, a person is on their own course. Without the influence of good, evil is easily chosen. Without a foundation of authority, one breaks whatever rules suits him. Without a reverence for life, none of life is sacred.


Here are some things about this shooting that we don’t hear about:


First, countless lives were impacted and changed for ever. There are so many families who are wondering what to do now. Funerals have to be planned and paid for. There are companies that lost workers. There are families that will never get over this. Instantly, because of death, some marriages ended, some families lost a child and the horrific images won’t go away.


Second, there are hundreds in the hospital right now who may suffer the rest of their lives because of what happened. More surgeries may be needed. More therapy. For some, their health may never be the same again.


Third, the emotional wounds may take the longest to get over. Some may never go to a concert again. Some will be filled with anger and rage for the rest of their lives. Some may be destroyed because of this. Fear and worry may be constant companions.


Fourth, some may leave God because of this. They don’t understand. They can’t reason why God would allow this. Why? Why innocent people? Why shatter lives forever? It’s not fair. It’s not right. And for some, like Job’s wife, long ago, all it takes is an unexplained tragedy and that’s enough to curse God and give up. The spiritual wounds may be the hardest to heal.


Here are some things we must keep before us.


First God is and always will be good. Heaven did not arrange this mass shooting. This was not God’s plan. God is for saving life. God is doing right. Don’t point fingers to Heaven on this. The blame goes to sinful choices of a man who lived without Christ.


Second, having free will, means choosing right or wrong. Had God stopped wrong, would God also force right? Would God send people to worship on Sunday who don’t want to be there? God could have His way, but wouldn’t we be His puppets or robots? Free will began in the garden. Here’s all the fruit. Eat anything you want, except one. Just stay away from that one. And Adam and Eve were not satisfied. They wanted all. They wanted the one that God said NO. It was a choice. Listen to God, who has been good and generous. Or, listen to Satan, who has done nothing for you. They listened to Satan. They made the wrong choice. Sin began. And all these years later, it’s the same thing. It’s a choice. Say what I feel like, or choose my words carefully. Do what I want, or do what God says. A man made a terrible choice. He chose death.


Third, what a person does effects others. Innocent people died because of the consequences of a sinful man’s choices. The same happens when a mom and dad shoot themselves up with heroin, while their kids are asleep in the next room. The same happens when a person fills himself up with alcohol and decides it’s time to go home. He gets in the car and hits innocent people. Our lives are not independent of one another. Our words, our choices, our attitudes, all have a bearing upon others. Innocent people are the consequences of sinful choices.


Fourth, in an instant, people cross the doorway of death and enter eternity. Like the childhood game, “ready or not, here I come,” death doesn’t wait for you to get ready. Death doesn’t wait for you to finish the show, go home and say good-bye. Death doesn’t wait for you to finish the projects you are working on. Death doesn’t care if you still have things to do. Death doesn’t wait for you to fill out insurance papers or sign your will. Death doesn’t care that you are young. Death doesn’t care that you have children at home. Isaiah’s words to King Hezekiah, “Set your house in order, for you will die,” rings so true today. Death doesn’t wait for us to “set things in order.”


Finally, a man who caused all of this pain took his life, like a coward, and immediately realized what a fool he was. He crossed through the doorway of death and found out that he still lives. Death didn’t end it. Now, along side the rich man in Luke 16, he suffers like he never has before. His sins, not forgiven. His life, without Christ. His destiny, without any hope, hasn’t and won’t end. There is no more suicide on the other side. There is no escaping what he has done. Awaiting him, is standing before God. Not only will these horrific sins be brought to the light, but more so, the choice he made to live without Jesus. The Lord said, “Unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins.” There is no healing in torment. There is no relief in torment. There is no days off. There is no vacation from torment. The pain he caused on this side of life is nothing to the pain he is experiencing now. And we don’t say, “Good. He deserves it.” “He needs to rot in Hell.” A soul that God made and a life that could have helped others was wasted. And millions follow him, not in murderous killing, but in living to themselves. In living without Jesus. In dying without any hope of Heaven. In thinking that there is nothing beyond.


The saddest picture is not of death, but of those cast into eternity who never knew God. It was their choice. It was the way they wanted it. And now, too late to change. And now, the doors of hope have closed. This is what makes this tragedy so sad.


It is for this reason we walk with the Lord. It is for this reason that we bow our hearts to God. It’s for this reason that we choose to obey, follow and worship the Lord. It is for this reason that we cannot stop telling our family and friends about Jesus. It is for this reason that we are ready to cross through the doorway and be with the Lord.


Open our eyes Lord, that we may see Jesus!

