Jump Start # 2499

Jump Start # 2499

James 4:4 “You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”

A while back I wrote about a bumper sticker that I saw (Jump Start # 2482). I have yet another one to tell you about. I was driving behind a van. I could see a baby seat in the van. It was being driven by a young dad who was wearing a ball cap. The bumper sticker said it all: “I once was cool.” I felt for him. Been there. It’s hard for a van to be cool. I had several through the years. You need them when you have kids. People buy vans out of necessity not because they want to or think that they are cool.

You give up being cool when you become a parent. Diaper bags, strollers, sippy cups and armloads of toys, books and stuff to keep the little one happy is a long way from cool-ville. I was with some young parents the other day, and they were talking about how hard it is just to get out of the house without having something spilled on them. By the end of the day, tired, stressed, hair a mess, young parents just give up on trying to look cool. They are happy if they can just survive through another day. “I used to be cool,” so true and for many such a sad commentary of their current status.

For God’s people, our verse is a good reminder. Friendship with the world makes us the enemy of God. You can’t follow both. They are moving in different directions and in eternity they wind up in different places. But in the broad expanse of things, why do we have to allow others to define what is cool? What do we have to allow others to define what is successful? Why does a label make the difference? The reality, many labels come with very high price tags. And, they are a means to show off. Look what I have and you don’t. And, for some, the more high profile and expensive labels they have, the more important they feel on the inside. For some, it means I am better than most. I have achieved. And, in too many situations, it’s nothing more than trying to impress people that you do not even like. I saw a news report about an actress at a recent award show. She was wearing a $60,000 dress. Why? Is it really worth that much? Probably not. It probably made her feel important and that she was somebody.

And, that is the difference between the world and the child of God. I don’t need to wear a $5,000 Italian suit to make me feel that I am important. God has proven my value by sending Jesus to rescue me. My worth, my value is not defined by real estate, brand of car, watch, size of TV screen or where I vacation. Those first disciples of Jesus were simple, common people. Many never knew what a vacation was. They were poor, yet they had a heart and a faith that shames many of us today.

A young person going to a local community college may feel intimidated because he didn’t go to a prestigious Ivy league university. But when it is over, he got his degree and likely he didn’t leave with a mountain of debt that the Ivy leaguer will have. Within a few short years, it will not matter about which school, but rather, what ability and talents one has.

We are the people of God who are heading to Heaven. Nothing can top that! Nothing is better than that! The world is constantly telling us that you have to buy this, go here, do this, to be someone. We don’t need the world to tell us what shows to watch, what music to listen to, and what items to buy. We don’t need the world to tell us what is cool.

Your worth, your happiness, your wellbeing, is not based upon what someone else says. It’s not based upon what you own. It’s not based upon where you are. It is an internal, not an external thing. It’s based upon you and the Lord. This is why a prisoner in a Philippian jail could tell the disciples on the outside to rejoice. He wasn’t miserable. Prisons do not take away your joy. Joy comes from within. It’s a choice. It’s realizing who you are and where you are headed.

So, can a guy be cool driving a van? It’s not the van that defines his “coolness.” It’s not even what others say. It’s what he thinks and that is based upon where he is with the Lord. If you have to buy something in order to be someone, then the world has you by the tail and it will forever pull you, lead you and convince you to do things that are not necessary.

We are the people of God. It doesn’t matter whether you have a new car, or, old car, a big house or a little house. What matters is how big your heart is. What matters is how much you believe. The difference between the child of God and the world? The world would buy that $60,000 dress and say, “Look at me.” The child of God would buy a much cheaper dress and use the rest of that money to help the kingdom of God.

The story is told, back in the 1940’s, the two leading men in Hollywood were Clark Gabel and Gary Cooper. Gabel bought a very expensive and rare Duesenberg car. When it hit the press, Cooper ordered one, except his was made longer than Gabel’s. “I’m better than you!” Cool? No, just showing off, and wasting money.

“I once was cool.” I expect if one did as he should, his family would think the world of him. I expect if he was a vital part of God’s church, those brethren would think the world of him. And, whether he realized it or not, God thinks so much of him that He sent Jesus.

It seems when you are young, you want to do what everyone else is doing. When you get old, you want to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing.

We are the people of God– don’t forget that! We won’t fit in with the world. What matters is what the Lord thinks of you.



Jump Start # 1232

Jump Start # 1232

James 4:4 “You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”

  Our verse today is about allegiances. It is about loyalty and devotion. It’s about being a traitor. Contextually, James is addressing some severe heart and faith issues among the people of God.


  • They were quarrelling
  • They were lusting
  • They were praying with the wrong motives
  • They were told to resist the devil and submit to God
  • They were told to draw near to God
  • They were told to humble themselves and purify their hearts


They were a mess spiritually. The opening words of our verse today are not nice words. Most folks do not like being called “adulteresses.” They were unfaithful to God. James is blunt and to the point with them. He wants them to make up their minds. Are they with God or with the world? By doing both, they were spiritually adulteresses.


The expression “friendship with the world” causes some concern and misunderstanding. It led to a system of beliefs called “Monasticism.” Taking the principles of James to the extreme and misunderstanding them, a group in the middle ages moved away from the world and lived in monasteries. More than that, they refused contact with the world. More than that, they often punished themselves because of the world. A few examples that I remember when I studied this years ago:


One guy refused to cut his hair. This was based some how on friendship with the world. He became so shaggy that children in his village thought he was a wolf and threw rocks at him. Another thought that the earth was so vile that he lived in a large bird cage suspended from a tree. Another, for some reason, tied his hand into a fist until this finger nails grew through  his hand. Some ate just enough to keep alive. Others refused marriage. They thought laughter was sinful. They avoided music, arts and all forms of entertainment. They moved away from the villages and cities and lived alone in what we now call monasteries. Their strange behavior was believed by them, to be fulfilling the thoughts of our verse today. They were not making any friendships with the world. They were not evangelistic. They closed their eyes to the needs of others. If you were not one of them, you didn’t exist.  This concept is kept alive by monks and nuns in the Catholic faith today, but not to this degree.


James is not talking about total avoidance of everyone that is not a Christian. That may sound good on some days, it doesn’t allow us to let our lights shine nor does it allow us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every person. The friendship with the world that James is addressing are the things that are wrong. Sinful things oppose God. You can’t walk on both sides of the street and please God. The Christian cannot do everything that his neighbor does, because some of those things are wrong. Lines must be drawn and not crossed. James is truly addressing the heart of these Christians who are showing that they are not truly converted. They cannot give up things that are wrong. They like wrong and they like God. They want to keep both. You can’t. God won’t allow that. Their practices were infuriating God. They didn’t realize that they were quickly becoming God’s enemies. The very bridge that Jesus built through the cross, the reconciliation with God, was now being torn down by their refusal to leave wrong things of the world.


I sense these words are needed more and more today. Jesus warned of wolves in sheep clothing that would affect the flock of God. Instead of running from these wolves, too many are wanting to dance with the wolves. Some like to get as close to the edge of wrong as they can. Issues with modesty, attendance, social drinking, partying, questionable movies, suggestive language are things that every family and every congregation must continually deal with. Some get it. Some don’t. Some don’t want to get it. They’ve made their minds up that you cannot tell them that things are wrong. What doesn’t help is when we run from one extreme to the other extreme. Dressing like Amish isn’t the safe alternative. Going to the pulpit with a ruler and telling women how “short” is short is making up rules that God doesn’t have. Telling someone how many sips of wine is ok or not ok isn’t the answer. James knew what the problem was. It’s a heart issue. It’s being converted to Christ. It’s being a friend of God. It’s going in God’s direction. It’s realizing that some things are not helpful to my marriage, my faith, or my influence. It’s being able to say “No,” to the world. It’s listening to God.


The monastics missed it. They lived miserable lives, hurting themselves physically while missing the point of this passage. God wants us to be His friend. Friends do things together. Friends do not hurt one another. This is very much like marriage. Once a person gets married, the dating scene is over. No flirting with others. No showing off to others. No dating others. You make a commitment and your heart belongs to one and only one. This is conversion. We’ve changed. We cannot please everyone. We must please God. Some may not like the way you dress, does God? Some may think you’re no fun because you won’t laugh at what they say nor flirt around with others? God knows. Your heart belongs to Him. As long as God is pleased, it doesn’t matter what others say.


God wants us to be evangelistic. He wants us to enjoy the world He created for us. He wants us to follow Him all the way to Heaven. God wants us to be His friend. Is it possible in this crazy world? Certainly. Is it easy? Not always. God thinks about us more than we think about Him. God is interested in us more than we are interested in Him.


Friendship with the world hurts God. It ruins our relationship with Him.


Spend time with one who is a true friend and really cares for you, that is God.

