Jump Start # 2635

Jump Start # 2635

Luke 15:2 “And both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble saying, ‘This man receives sinners and eats with them.’”

Our verse today is the core reason why Jesus told some of the most beloved and powerful parables in His ministry. Lost sheep, lost coin and lost sons were the Lord’s response and answer to these charges against Him. The prodigal son, not only showed the love and grace of our Heavenly Father, it pulled back the curtain to reveal how heartless these Pharisees were. They are the elder brother who refused to accept, forgive or participate with the celebration of the return of the prodigal.

There are a few things we ought to see here:

First, anytime we complain about God we are wrong. God is not one of us. God doesn’t answer to us. He doesn’t have to answer your prayers. He doesn’t have to do things the way you think He should. His word is written and it stands. You may not like what He says about worship, divorce, forgiveness or a host of social behaviors, but your complaints and disagreements will not change what is written. God is always right. Always.

The Pharisees in our passage didn’t see Jesus as God. They thought he was just a young rabbi who had odd teachings and beliefs about himself. They thought they could put Him in his place. But we know God. We know Jesus. Complaining because things do not turn out as you want, makes you look spoiled and selfish.

Second, we are quick to judge others. We see the mistakes of others and are nearly proud to announce to the world what those mistakes are. We turn around during worship to see who is coming in late. And with that, we roll our eyes, sigh and show our disgust. The song leader begins a song, and immediately we whisper just loud enough for others to hear, ‘We sang that one last week.’ The Pharisees in our passage were judging others and complaining about Jesus. One wonders if these folks ever smiled. Were they ever happy? Were they ever content? Did they ever feel blessed? Were they happy to be in God’s love and grace?

But, then, do folks think the same thing about us. Do our kids ever see us happy, content and feeling blessed? When someone asks how we are doing, do we drag out the medical charts and start down the lists of every ache and pain and then move on to how the kids don’t call, and then the weather has been hot, and the grocery stores are still not stocked. You do that very much, and people will stop talking to you. They will stop asking you “how you are,” because they don’t have half a day to hear your problems.

It’s a wonder that an apostle in a prison could tell folks on the outside, “rejoice always.” Sometimes those in the worst situations, remind the rest of us to stop complaining and rejoice.

Third, these Pharisees saw no value in eating with sinners. This was one of the greatest social occasions in the first century. It is amazing how many lessons and parables are drawn around eating. This was much more than just filling your belly. If that’s all we see, we miss it. You and I eat anywhere and everywhere. We eat at ballgames, on airplanes, in our cars, at the movie theatre. Eating is no big deal. I’ve seen folks driving down the road with a hamburger in one hand and a cell phone in the other, while passing me. The complaint about the Pharisees was much more than sinners receiving food. It involved accepting, associating, fellowshipping and being with them. To the Pharisees, sinners needed to be excluded. Cut them off. Have nothing to do with them. They are not like us, so we don’t want to be with them. Not Jesus. He came into the world for all people. He died for all people. Behind the Pharisees’ logic was the idea that they were better than those sinners. But they never would believe that they were in the same situation as these sinners. The Pharisees were sinners too. They needed Jesus, too. They were in the same boat as the very sinners that they complained about.

Fourth, our perspective of others and even the world is often slanted in favor of us. That was the problem of the Pharisees. And, that leads easily into a “us” verse “them” mentality. The Us, are right. The “them” are never right. But if our perspective is off, then our vision is off. This is important. If I feel cheated, ignored, or neglected, then that will shape and color my vision. Yet, if I feel blessed, loved and welcomed by God, then that will shape and color my vision. Perspective. Our times are consumed with left and right, forgetting that there is an up and a down. How we view self, others and God shapes our attitude, our out look and our motivation. “This world is not my home,” is more than a powerful hymn, it is a perspective. And, that perspective shapes how we see things. So many are allowing the news, society and culture to shape their hearts. They allow others to determine what is important for them.

The lens through which the Pharisees looked always put them in the center. The universe revolved around them. And, that same thought is found today. Selfishness shapes and defines how folks see the world. The sinners had no place in the hearts of these Pharisees and that would lead to prejudice, neglect and indifference, the three fastballs that Satan loves to throw.

Jesus was around sinners. He ate with sinners. He didn’t encourage them sins. He didn’t ignore their sins. But, even though He was much better than they were, He invited them around Him and made them feel loved and wanted.

Can we do the same?



Jump Start # 2087

Jump Start # 2087

Luke 15:2 “Both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble, saying, ‘This man receives sinners and eats with them.’”

We continue our series on impressions, becoming a welcoming church. A congregation can clean up both the insides and the outsides of their church building. They can hang nice signs. They can spruce up the landscaping. They can stream line the announcements. They can put page numbers of the pew Bibles on the screen. All wonderful ideas that we have explored in this series. But there remains one colossal idea that beats all the others. Do all the others and forget this, and you’ll fail to become a welcoming church. It comes down to how we treat visitors.

Our verse today, taken before the powerful parables of Jesus about lost things, shows how the Pharisees viewed those who were different than they were. They grumbled. They didn’t like it. Jesus’ reply to them was the three parables of lost sheep, coin and boys. God cares for the lost. He never said, ‘you got lost on your own, find your own way back.’ Rather, the shepherd went looking. The woman swept the house. The father kept his eye on the horizon. God never gave up on finding what was lost.

As we think about inviting folks to come and worship with us, there are some things that we must remember. Forgetting this, spells disaster. Forgetting this hurts feelings and ruins chances of anyone every coming back again.

First, people of the world belong to the world. They dress like the world. Understand this. Patience is the key. So someone shows up one Sunday morning, as they walk into the building, they flip a cigarette out on the sidewalk. Someone sees that. Red flags go up. They smell of smoke. Immediately, some shun, ignore and walk on past this visitor.

Someone else comes for a visit. They carry a cup of coffee with them. It’s all very normal for them. Where they go to church, they even sell coffee. Someone sees that. Red flags go up. Immediately, some shun, ignore and walk past the visitor.

Someone else comes for a visit. They are wearing shorts and flip flops. It’s what they wear in the summer. Someone sees that. Red flags go up. Immediately, some shun, some ignore and walk past the visitor. People whisper. People look at them. The tension level rises. Although the lesson is about the love and compassion of Jesus, it’s not felt by these visitors. They didn’t know. They weren’t told. They don’t understand.

Someone goes up to them and lets it be known that they are not dressed appropriately. They are told that this is not a coffee shop. They are told to stop smoking. The member speaks his mind and walks away. The stunned visitor doesn’t even know who it is that spoke to them. Embarrassed, they leave. They leave with the promise to never return again. They leave thinking that this place is unloving and judgmental. They leave with hurt feelings and they leave without knowing Jesus. The member who corrected them feels good about his actions. He kept the place in order as he thinks it should be. If they don’t come back, he tells others, they simply don’t love the Lord. Really?

Herein lies some great problems.

First, we can’t expect people of the world to live by the rules of Christianity when they don’t know Christ. Correcting them about their appearance, drinking coffee or smoking misses the big picture. These are surface issues. People of the world are not going to dress nor act like Christians. Once there was a guy who was so excited about getting some free material, that he uttered a loud cuss word. He was happy. Everyone looked. We aren’t used to people cussing in the church building. People of the world aren’t used to not cussing.

Tattoos, piercings, rough language, couples that are living together, some who are addicts, jobless—that’s the world we live in today. Stop looking for the nice couple with two kids and a dog and a paid off house. Look who came to Jesus. It was the demon possessed, the lepers, and as our passage shows, “the sinners.” Who is it that needs the physician? The sick. Spiritual sickness can look messy. It comes with layers of issues and lots of baggage. So, we need to stop expecting people of the world to act like Christians. Be patient with them. Be kind to them. Pay a little attention to them, and they may just find what they were looking for, compassion, acceptance and hope. Telling anyone that they are not welcome is more than unloving, it lacks Christ. A couple shows up and they are divorced multiple times. Do you have the right to say to them, “you can’t come here?” Is that something that Jesus would do?

Second, even with new Christians, there is a growth period. It takes time to learn things and get over things that are wrong. Habits can be deep within us. The older some get, the grumpier some become. Don’t be that way. Long ago, you had to learn. Instead of being critical, be helpful. Instead of pointing the radar gun, extend a hand. I’ve heard young Christians say the “wrong things” in prayer. If that isn’t handled correctly, the young Christian could be crushed by criticism. He may never lead a public prayer again, and worse, he may just quit all together. I knew a teenager that passed the Lord’s Supper wearing flip flops. It was noticed. Some complained. Some complained to me. I declared that his shoes were more like Jesus’ than mine. He could have been behind the building smoking dope. Instead, he was serving in the kingdom. I was happy to have him. That shocked some who were looking for support in their complaints. One person said, “Jesus shoes? Well, I’ve never heard such thinking like that before.” Too many young preachers have been destroyed by insensitive and impatient brethren who expected perfection. Don’t be like that. Be the friend and the mentor that makes a real difference in someone’s life.

Third, be patient and people will learn. I’ve seen some hold their hands up during prayer. Nothing wrong with that. I’ve seen some talking out during the sermon. I’ve seen some bowing when everyone else was standing. I was preaching at one place, and every time I took a breath, a lady would say very loudly, “Yes, Jesus.” She must have “yes Jesus” a hundred times. Now, I could have just stopped and declared, “Only one of us is going to preach.” I could have made a scene and made her feel terrible. But I didn’t. I just preached away. Was she wrong in doing that? I didn’t think much about it. I was glad that she was listening.

We want visitors. We love company on Sundays. However, you have to know what you’re going to get. Rather than sticking your nose up in the air and running them off, learn to love them. Learn to listen to them. Don’t avoid them. Don’t walk away from them. Someday, that very person that disgusts you now, may get up and preach the pure message of Jesus Christ! Invite a visitor to sit with you.

Just as I am…remember that song? Not cleaned up and wearing a tie. Not all my faults ironed out. Just as I am. That may be a mess. That may need a lot of work. But, that’s what we sing and it’s supposed to be what we believe.
