Jump Start # 1386

Jump Start # 1386

NOTE: Tomorrow is a holiday for many. There will be no Jump Start tomorrow.

Luke 8:8 “Other seed fell into the good soil, and grew up, and produced a crop a hundred times as great. As He said these things, He would call out, He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

  As Jesus tells the story of the farmer who sowed seed, a lesson not about evangelism, but listening and heeding what God says, He ended His point with the principle, “He who has hears, let him hear.” That expression is used of the seven churches in Revelation.


He who has ears. I’ve never seen a person without ears. I’ve known some who couldn’t hear and you had to shout at them. I’ve seen some with little ears, big ears, cute ears, pierced ears, ears that stood out. Boxers are said to have cauliflower ears because they were punched so many times. But I’ve never seen a person who never had ears. I suppose it could exist. Jesus is using this as a point of reference. You have ears, use them. Listen to the word of God.


Sometime ago, I was teaching a class at a congregation I was visiting. I was teaching about one of the parables. The world ‘parable’ means to lay along side of or to compare. It is to lay an unknown spiritual truth beside a known physical illustration. I told a humorous story involving trying to pick out a ripe watermelon. I was trying to get the audience to understand that comparisons are a part of life. Simple funny story and I went on to talk about one specific parable. The class lasted about forty minutes. As soon as the class was over, a man came approached me with a piece of paper. It was written instructions, front and back on how to pick out a watermelon. There were several points on how to do it correctly. Not only did he share that with me, but in the few moments between class and the worship period, he read the whole thing to me. I was thankful and stuck the piece of information in my pocket. I still have it today. It dawned on me that while I was teaching about the Lord’s parable, this guy was writing out instructions about selecting watermelons. He never heard anything past my story. The parable that I shared was missed because he was busy making sure I’d know how to choose a ripe melon the next time I went to the store.


I wondered if anyone ever did that to Jesus. I wonder while He was teaching about the sower, if someone approached Him afterwards and explained how important it is not to waste seed on thorny ground or upon the road way. Maybe a better way of casting the seed would have been shown to Jesus. Maybe some farmer thought he’d best help this carpenter turned teacher understand such things. Then there is the parable of the shepherd who left the 99 sheep to go looking for the one lost sheep. I could see a shepherd explaining to Jesus that such a shepherd would need helpers because if he left the 99, then they would wander off. And in all of this, the lessons are missed. The point is missed because someone feels compelled to correct a story or give helpful advice about how to do things better.


All that got me to thinking about how I listen to others preach. There have been times that I have taken notes of someone else for the sole purpose of preaching that very sermon myself. There have been times that I was a critical listener and I caught mannerism and mistakes that bothered me. And then I think of the Lord’s simple words, “He who has ears, let him hear.” Maybe I have been no different than the watermelon man who wanted to help me out.


We preachers spend a lot of time with younger preachers trying to help them and shape them into being better speakers and maybe we ought to teach people how to be better listeners. Let him hear, is what Jesus was after.


It takes an open heart and mind to hear. Distractions, both, externally and internally, can keep us from hearing. Outside noise, whether from crying babies, someone’s phone going off, traffic going down the street can distract us from being focused. More than that, the internal things, such as, worry, stress, running tomorrow’s schedule through our minds, can keep us from really hearing.


It seems that just as there is a preparation that the preacher must engage in before he stands behind the pulpit, there ought to be a similar preparation by the listeners on the other side of the pulpit. Coming with a heart to hear, learn, grow and be challenged takes some effort. Maybe it would help if we didn’t fill our minds with the things of the world such as watching the news before we came to worship. Maybe if we listened to hymns in the car instead of the radio, it would help us listen better. Maybe if we got up just a tad bit earlier, had a real prayer, read a few verses, then we would find ourselves ready to truly worship the Lord. Coming tired, stressed, busy is nothing more than that crowded heart that the parable warns about.


Maybe it would help if I brought my Bible, took out a pen and wrote down a few notes. Maybe it would help if on the way home, we talked about the lesson, not from the standpoint of a critic, but much more from the standpoint of a listener, we’d get more out of our listening.


The greatest sermons are of no value if the audience doesn’t hear. There is a physical side to this. The folks that run sound systems and mics must understand what they are doing. Those loud shrieks that come from the sound systems scares everyone and it disrupts the flow of things. It is important that congregations get folks who know what they are doing behind all the buttons and equipment. That’s one side of it. The other side is that the preacher must have something to say that folks will listen to. Boring sermons coming from bored preachers only bores the audience. Plug it in, preacher! Get passionate about what you are doing. You are preaching the amazing word of God. Put thought, effort and time into your lesson. Make every lesson your best. Someone asked me the other day if I drank an energy drink on Sunday mornings. I told him, ‘No. I’ve never had one in my life.’ I then went on to say that I love what I do and I love to preach. That alone gets me pumped up. The preacher must have something to say.


The audience, he who has ears, let him hear. This applies not just to listening to a sermon, but how we read the Bible. See yourself in those passages. Ask, ‘what would I have done?’ Make it personal. Make it practical. Make it real. Make it change your life.


Listening ears…that’s what the Lord is looking for. The Lord doesn’t need a  reviewer. The Lord doesn’t need help. The Lord doesn’t need instructions on how to sow. The Lord needs listening ears. Listen to the Lord. He has something to say.





Jump Start # 435

Jump Start # 435

Luke 8:8 “And other seed fell into the good soil, and grew up, and produced a crop a hundred times as great. As He said these things, He would call out, ‘He who has ears to hear, let him hear.’”

  This is the final part of the parable of the sower. This is what the farmer was after. This is why he spent the time and money farming. He was after a harvest. Farmers live for the harvest. So does God.

  There is an interesting play on words in the text.

  • V. 5 some fell BESIDE the road
  • V. 6 some fell ON rocky soil
  • V. 7 Some fell AMONG the thorns
  • V. 8 Some fell INTO the good soil

  That’s the key—getting the seed INTO the good soil. Beside, on, and among, just didn’t get the job done. The seed belongs in the soil. That’s where things happen and where the plant begins its life.

 The soil is our hearts. In the explanation, Jesus tells us that the good soil, “these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance.” The good soil is the good and honest hearts. Now, nearly everyone will say that they are good on the inside. It takes more than just saying that to be good. The good and honest heart is in relationship to the words that Jesus spoke. The heart is good because it receives Jesus’ words. It is honest because after listening, changes are made. An honest look within will show that a person isn’t right with God. They need forgiveness. They need to be molded by the master. They need help. Honesty and humbleness go together, especially here.

  Some hearts aren’t honest. They’re hard. There’s no changing them, no matter what is said, nor who says it. They are stubborn and thick between the ears. Why are they like that? They’ve chosen to be. Others are not like that. They quit deceiving themselves and have come to God realizing His way is the only way. They’ve quit trying to sit on the throne with God and make the rules. They realized that they’ve messed up things and they don’t have all the answers. God’s word in such a heart does remarkable things. It can take a selfish person who is addicted to substance and reform him and change him. God’s word is powerful. It can take a tightwad and turn him into a generous soul who is compassionate for others. God’s word is powerful. It can take a mean potty mouth and turn him into someone who is respectful, kind and whose words glorify God. God’s word is powerful.

  Why is it that God’s word can do that for some and others it can’t? It’s not the word, but it’s the condition of the heart. Anytime God’s word meets with good and honest hearts, great things will come about.

  The seed into the good soil produced. God’s word into an honest heart produces. There is a principle of farming and harvesting that is important to see here. A corn seed will only produce corn. If a guy plants corn with the hopes of getting tomatoes, he’ll be greatly disappointed. It won’t happen. Beans produce beans. This is not rocket science. God’s word, likewise, produces only one thing, a N.T. Christian. Nothing else. There’s no variety of Christians. There are no different flavors of Christians. There are no different kinds of Christians. To be a Christian means that you belong to Christ. You’ve believed and obeyed the Lord. All such believers belong to God and they are all disciples of Jesus. The good seed in the heart of someone living in India will make the same Christian as one who lives in England, or Atlanta, or, Nashville, or Southern Indiana, where I happen to live.

  Imagine three groups of people, living in three different places, say, England, Africa, and the U.S. They all play the game of Monopoly, the original one. They all go by the same rules, no deviations. It would be easy to think that the three groups are linked together somehow. The only connection they have is that they all happen to have an original game of Monopoly and they all are going by the rules.

  The same happens with God’s word. Replace the game of Monopoly with the Bible. Three groups—one in England, one in Africa, and one in the U.S. They all are following the Bible, and nothing else. No deviations. Although the languages may be different, the worship, practice and faith of all three groups will be the same. Why? They are all following the same standard, the Bible. Now, some will say that it is impossible to understand the Bible alike. Yet, somehow people could understand the rules of Monopoly.

  God’s word makes one thing, N.T. Christians. The little seed produces a crop a hundred times as much. We see that in nature. One corn seed will produce a corn stalk that may have several ears of corn. God’s word does the same. It produces N.T. Christians that will affect their families destiny forever. The good that can come from that first crop may be witnessed for many generations. That’s the power of God’s word.

  The parable of the sower is a great lesson about our hearts. It’s the good and honest that becomes what God wants. This is the kind of heart He wants you to have. Honesty often hurts. It hurts realizing that we have failed. It hurts realizing that we need help. It’s that honesty that will bring us back home to God where we belong.

  Good and honest…that’s what God’s looking for. Do you have such? You can. Spend time with God’s word and it will work on you and change you.
