Jump Start # 2405

Jump Start # 2405

Proverbs 27:23 “Know well the condition of your flocks, and pay attention to your herds”


Within the past week and a half I have had some long and serious discussions with five different preachers. They live all over the country. Some of these discussions were face to face. Some were over the phone and one was via email and texting. These preachers are talented, good, and have made noticeable differences in the congregations where they preach. But something was very common in all of these discussions. All five were discouraged. All five have given thought about moving. And, sadly, all five, pointed to the same reason as to why they were discouraged. It wasn’t the money. It wasn’t how folks treated them. It wasn’t the hours they put in. It wasn’t where they lived. It wasn’t feeling pressured or squeezed. All five were discouraged because of the leadership in the congregation. They felt like their work was handcuffed and limited. They were in the dark about what was going on. They weren’t included in big plans, such as bringing in another preacher. The leadership was content to drift along with the way things have always been. And, these five wanted to do more. They saw great potential. There were opportunities all around them. They were filled with great ideas but those ideas fell on deaf ears. The leaders were more content to manage the church like a business. The deacons were treated as mid-level managers that carried out the decisions of the elders. And, these preachers could see that the church was suffering in some ways. There was a gap between the flock and the shepherds.


It’s discouraging to see what could be, but at the present it’s not. Teachers feel this way. Coaches feel this way. Parents feel this way. And, we preachers get this way. Sometimes ideas are just not feasible. There isn’t enough people necessary to complete the task, or it’s simply too expensive at this time. But sometimes ideas are shot down simply because the leaders don’t want to do them. There is no real reason. Sometimes it’s a power and control issue. If it’s not their idea, then it won’t get done.


Our verse is essential to this discussion. Discouraged preachers either move or quit. No one likes being discourage. No one likes to always hear “No.” No one likes the reply to an idea, “We’ll get back to you on this,” and then they never do. No one likes being treated second rate. No one likes secrets being kept from them.


Our verse aims at the work of shepherds. Know well the condition of your flocks, is something that ought to be stenciled on the walls of the church building. How are the folks doing? If the preacher is discouraged and they are clueless to that and they do not know that they are the source of that discouragement, one must wonder what the rest of the flock is experiencing? How many others are discouraged and it bypasses the leaders? How many others are having troubles but it’s not noticed?


The situation with these five preachers also reveals that there is a wall blocking transparency and good communication between the shepherds and these preachers. One might think, “Why don’t these guys just tell the shepherds how they feel?” There is a fear factor somewhat involved as well as knowing that the big picture, improving things and doing more for the church may all be destroyed because of a conflict between the preacher and the elders. They have tried to make suggestions that would improve their relationship with the leaders but those were not received well. So, these five march on doing their work, but inside their hearts are wondering how much longer they can hang on there.


It is so easy for leaders to take the 32,000 foot view of a congregation and believe all is safe and all is sound. No real trouble. Everyone is at peace. But a much closer look, an individual look at each person, may show that there is some special attention and needs that are not being met. Paying the bills on time, and keeping any major uprisings from taking place is not a job well done. Sheep are starving in the pews. Some are dying in the pews. Some are lost in the pews. And, so many elderships throughout the country do not see this taking place.


Know well the condition of your flocks.


Here are some suggestions. Chew on these.


First, talk to your preacher. Put the cards on the table in a kind way. Let him know that you love him, appreciate him and want him to stay. Preachers are not moving much these days. The pool of preachers is small. Stay the course, don’t make any adjustments and you’ll be looking for a new preacher. It many places, the leadership is older than the preacher. It may be very hard for him to talk without the fear of getting reprimanded or fired. Put him at ease. Encourage him. Ask him how you, as shepherds, can help him in his work.


Second, invite the preacher and include the preacher in your meetings. This is where most of the frustration lies with preachers. They feel like they do not know what is going on. Interestingly, in Ephesians four, evangelists and pastors are united in the same verse as those who are equipping the church. Preachers need to know their limitations and understand that they are not junior elders. They do not have the authority nor the role of an elder. However, in trying to help people in the congregation, being aware of situations helps the preacher in what he teaches and preaches. The role of the preacher and the elder ought to be one mind, and one heart. It is as the coach and the quarterback. Understanding each other, and trusting each other and helping each other only builds a stronger and better congregation. Some have said that it is unscriptural for the preacher to be in meetings with elders. Really? Where is the passage that even says elders have meetings? Shepherding doesn’t take place behind closed doors in those meetings. That’s where plans are discussed, classes are talked about and strategy is formed. True shepherding takes place outside of those doors. Maybe this is where some of the problem lies. Shepherds are not the CEO’s who run the church. They are shepherds who walk among the sheep. Shepherding takes place in front rooms, and coffee shops and over lunch, as shepherds connect face to face with the sheep. Shepherds help the sheep. To do that, they must be around the sheep.


Third, the stronger the bonds that are made between the preacher and the eldership, the better things will be. Others can feel the tension that may exist when things are not right. Suspicion, secrets, and not trusting each other only spells trouble and doom. Do things together socially. Enjoy each other’s company. Rather than fighting against each other, work together. In this, both the preacher and the elders will learn that there are talents, insights, foresight, vision and strengths that can help each other. Elders can learn from younger preachers. And, preachers can learn from elders. So many of the young preachers are skilled with video, social media and have ideas that many older men may not understand. Listen to these ideas. Chew on them for a while. Do some homework. Then make a decision, but it will be a well informed decision. Visit other congregations and see what they are doing. Learn from others. Give books to each other that will help each other. If the player on the field feels like he is soon to be traded, his mind won’t be into the game as it ought to be. It’s not much different for the preacher who feels he may soon be replaced. How long would you like your preacher to stay? Have you told him that? How about telling him we’d like this to be your final place. How about letting him know that you have his back and you’re there for the long haul? And, preacher, when you are discouraged, you must be careful with your attitude and your mouth. Undermining the leadership leads to a mutiny and in most movies, someone is put on a little boat and left to drift alone. That little boat may be for you preacher, if you cause trouble.


Work as a team. Be one mind. Be one voice. Now, how can that be, if we don’t share, connect and get together? What an example from Jesus, when He told the disciples, “I now call you friends, not slaves. The slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15). No secrets. Transparent. On the same page. Trusting each other. There for each other.


Here’s the challenge—this week, shepherds reach out to your preacher and ask if you could get together. The agenda? We, the elders, want to see what we can do to make things better for you and how we can draw closer to each other. Will you try that? I fear if some don’t, things will spiral downward.


Know well the condition of your flock. How is your preacher doing? Do you know?





Jump Start # 2293

Jump Start # 2293

Proverbs 27:23 “Know well the condition of your flocks, and pay attention to your herds”

Our verse today is so important for leaders. In teaching the shepherding principle we so often focus upon looking at each sheep individually, because each of us are unique and different. We are not at the same place spiritually. We come from different backgrounds. Our concerns, temptations and needs are not identical. Missing this is a huge mistake that many make.


However, there is the need to look at the overall condition of the flock in general. The big picture of how everyone is doing. Parents need to do this as well as shepherds in God’s kingdom. There are times when special things must be done. We understand this in the family. The family has been busy, the schedules hectic, that it’s time to get away for a vacation. It’s time to do something special and it’s time for the family to be together. Sharp parents recognize “the condition of the flock.”


Spiritually and especially, emotionally, the overall condition of the flock can go through all kinds of things. Consider a few:


The congregation is in shock. There are many reasons that this can happen. The sudden death of an elder or the preacher can leave everyone stunned, shocked and lifeless. A divorce within the congregation can do that. A very active family moves away can do that. Even, the shocking news of a member getting arrested can do that. These things fill the minds and the hearts of the members. They can’t seem to move past it.


This is a time for shepherds to “know well the condition of your flocks.” Adjustments need to be made. A time for grieving, talking things out, getting through things is helpful. I have been at places where a sudden death took place on a Saturday night. The next day, being Sunday, you’d think nothing ever happened. Same classes. Same schedule. However, the people were walking around stunned. You could see it. The death is the only thing people were talking about, at least privately. Publically, you’d never know it.


But, I have also been with a couple of groups when a very different approach took place. A sudden death took place the night before. The wise shepherds understood the condition of the flock. That Sunday morning, all the classes were brought together, even the kids classes. A special lesson was put together about the rich man and Lazarus, hope and faith and storms in life. During the worship, adjustments were made. The elders were all involved. Thought was given to picking songs that would help the congregation. More prayers were uttered during that service. The outcome was remarkable. It helped the people. Months later, the shepherds were still receiving thankyou cards for leading the congregation through those tough moments.


Be flexible. Make adjustments when necessary. You can always get back to studying what was on the schedule, but to ignore what is on everyone’s mind can seem to be thoughtless and cold to what has just happened.


The congregation seems to be in a slump. Baseball players go through slumps. They can’t get a hit. Everything they try fails. If the manager is sharp, he’ll see that. He may change the lineup. He may bring in a special batting coach to help the team out. Shepherds need to recognize when a congregation seems to be in a slump. There’s nothing really wrong, but it just seems that the energy level is low. The condition seems tired and stuck. Shepherds can keep hammering on with the schedule that they are on, or they can recognize a shot in the arm would help. Bring in an outside speaker. Immediately, some would respond, “but we already have our two meetings for the year scheduled.” So. You can’t have three? Maybe it’s not a “meeting” format, but just invite a speaker in for one Sunday. Have him present some things that will connect and spark some energy within the group. Again, some would say, “Bring a guest preacher in for just one day?” Sure. Why not? Know well the condition of your flock. Maybe it’s adjusting the class schedule that will help things out. Drop the quarter, or 13-week concept, and have a special two or three week class. Have a class that answers questions that have been submitted. Have a special class on parenting that is beyond the usual “Parenting 101” stuff. Change the class room around so that all the chairs are in a circle. All of these things take a bit of effort and time, but trying to move on when everyone is in a slump without adjustments, only deepens the slump.


The congregation needs to get back to the basics. The shepherds notice that some fundamentals are slipping and there seems to be a need to get back to the basics. Then do that. Find a way to teach the fundamentals and help the congregation to build their faith upon the word of God. Surveys, quizzes, homework, are challenging ways to help a congregation become solid in the fundamentals.


Much too often, plans are set and there is no deviation no matter what. No adjustments. No doing anything special. A death takes place, and everyone is sad. Yet, Ephesians is being studied and Ephesians is going to be taught, even though no one, including the teacher, is in the mood for that. The preacher is in the midst of a series, and he’ll stick with that, no matter what. Not recognizing the condition of the flock may result in wasted efforts. A congregation that is hurting, upset, angry, in a slump, afraid needs special attention. It’s just like at home. When the kids are scared, parents are there to comfort and calm them. Shepherds need to do the same for the flock.


The greater problem in all of this is when the leaders are clueless to the condition of the flock. They don’t recognize that the flock is hurting, scared, in shock or in a slump. Onward we go, even though the flock is hesitant about moving forward. This is the time for comfort, reassurance, calming, and leadership. But, sadly, it often is lacking. And, what happens is the congregation suffers. Deeper the group sinks into discouragement. The leaders lose credibility because they appear to be out of touch and indifferent to what is going on. They can be so stuck in a plan that never changes, that people are dying spiritually right there in the pews.


Know well the condition of your flocks. How is everyone doing? Do you really know?





Jump Start # 977


Jump Start # 977


Proverbs 27:23 “Know well the condition of your flocks, and pay attention to your herds”


I love this verse. It speaks volumes to those who are given the responsibility of leading others. The following verse states, “For riches are not forever, nor does a crown endure to all generations.” For the true shepherd in ancient Israel, the health and wellbeing of the flocks changed year after year. One year things might go pretty well for the shepherd. The following year, he is fighting a disease that has taken hold of many sheep. The shepherd could not set back on auto pilot and follow the same plan year after year. Each season presented new challenges, new enemies and the constant watching and care of the shepherd.

Sheep and people are a lot alike. God knows that better than we do. Of all the animals on the planet, God compared people to sheep. We need leadership because we tend to wander off. We need someone watching us because we do not pay attention to what is going on. We frighten easily. We don’t do well with tension or strife among us. Emotional bugs can bother us just as much as the real bugs bothered sheep.

Know well the condition of your flocks. Consider some applications to this.

  • The family. Dad’s are put in charge of leading the family. The Biblically word is, “head.” Sometimes this word “head” has literally gone to some guys head and they see it as control, bossing and getting their way. Wrong. It’s about leadership. It’s about getting the family to Heaven. It’s about making choices that is best for the family, which may not be his personal favorite choice. Know well the condition of your flocks. How is the family doing? Do you know dad? Are the little ones bothered by kids at school? Are the teenagers discouraged and floundering? Do you know the condition emotionally? How are they doing spiritually? It’s more than just driving the car to the church building on Sunday. Do they believe? Do they get it spiritually? How would a shepherd in ancient Israel know the condition of his flock? He had to walk among them, look at them, touch them and spend time with them. How does dad know the condition of the family? He has to spend time with them, one on one. He has to develop a relationship of trust and communication. In too many homes, teenagers are playing around with drugs and the parents are clueless. Know well the condition of your flocks. Long before the drugs begin, there were issues with rules, choice of friends and things like that. The failures at home are connected to someone not knowing the condition of the flock.
  • The finances. I’ve preached several sermons recently about money. Some are uncomfortable with that topic in a church setting. They fail to understand that Jesus talked more about money than He did Heaven. The subject of money is found in 16 of Jesus’ parables. Our finances affect our marriage, our wellbeing, our ability to help others, our privilege of supporting the kingdom of God. Money is a Bible topic. Know well the condition of your flocks. It is not uncommon in a marriage that one pays the bills and the other has no idea of what is going on. One is trying to keep the family afloat and the other is out spending like Congress. Know well the condition of your flock, or here, finances. Do you have a plan? Do you follow that plan? Do you plan to work until you are 95? Do you think you will be able to work until you are 95? Money habits developed young in life will affect you the rest of your life. It is the responsibility of the home to teach stewardship and proper attitudes and ways of handling money. If mom and dad do not know the condition of their flock, how will the kids ever learn? Some couples do not like to talk about money. It bothers them. It makes them nervous. An argument always takes place. So, instead of knowing the condition of your flocks, they just ignore it and too often live pay check to pay check, with no hope of anything changing in their life. Know well. Study the subject. Read up on this. Talk to some wise brethren about this. Realize that there are always famines. The prodigal ran into a famine and he had no money. Joseph ran into a famine but he had prepared Egypt for it. College payments, flat tires, sick dogs, and holidays all seem to happen about the same time. Disaster if you do not know the condition of your flocks.
  • The condition of the church. This phrase, ‘know well the condition of your flocks,’ is especially true to those who lead God’s people. They need to know the condition. Too many don’t. Too many do not realize, just like a literal flock of sheep, the condition changes from year to year. Some years, things are going well. Other years, it seems everyone is in a funk. Wise shepherds realize this. They understand ‘one size fits all’ is not always the best method in teaching. Special classes addressed for special needs are a premium. Making adjustments in schedules, paying attention to specific areas can strengthen the flock of God. A new member and one who has been around for 25 years do not have the same needs. Do shepherds realize that? A single mom has different concerns than a widow. A college student is facing unique challenges that a 45 year old man may not understand. The moving away of a family affects the spirit of the flock. The death of a favorite member affects the flock. Know well the condition.


Throughout this land, elderships are waking up and realizing that they have spent far too much time dealing with administration decisions and they haven’t been shepherding the flocks. Too many know about the budget but not the condition of the flock. Changes are taking place. God’s shepherds are realizing that too many have fallen away under their watch. Too many are struggling and are discouraged and unless some special attention is given, they too will soon be lost. People business is the work of elders. Corporate decisions made behind closed doors is not the concept we get from the Bible. It is more of a shepherd walking among the sheep and looking at them with tender care and trying to help the sheep to be healthy and strong. That is the work of God’s leaders. Know the condition of your flocks!


  • Your heart. The greatest area that needs to be looked at is our own heart. Know well the condition of your flocks applies here. How are you doing spiritually? Are you connecting with the Lord? Do you have a relationship of trust and love? Do you long for Heaven? Are you growing? Too often, we base our faith upon how things are doing down at the church house. We live our faith through the church. It shouldn’t be that way. We ought to have a strong and powerful faith, no matter what happens down at the church building. But it’s not that way. Too often, when the church is struggling, our faith is struggling. When the church is at peace, we are at peace. Our faith is independent of the church. It is not lived through the church. Our faith is in the Lord. So, how are you doing? Do you know? Are you honest with yourself? A shepherd who ignored a diseased sheep, would one day find that sheep lying dead. Problems do not fix themselves, nor do they just go away. A leaky roof doesn’t fix itself. Cancer doesn’t fix itself. Problems and issues need to be looked at and addressed. At stake is your soul. You ought to know the condition of your heart.

Know well…
