Jump Start # 2673

Jump Start # 2673

Proverbs 5:6 “She does not ponder the path of life; her ways are unstable, she does not know it.”

Our verse today is found among advice and warnings. It’s a dad talking to his son. There are dangers that the young, naïve and inexperienced son does not know about. Dad does. He’s seen it. He’s seen the carnage it has caused. And, dad’s words are about certain people. Some people you just need to stay away from. Not everyone is nice, as they are on Sesame Street and not every gets along as they do in Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. There are some people that have the intention of hurting others. There are some people that conversations will not be heard, the golden rule does not mean anything, and doing what is right has no place in their hearts. Some are just wicked. And, the best thing to do is stay away from them.

Here in this chapter, it’s not a street gang, it’s not drug pushers but rather, the adulteress woman that dad warns his son about. There are three chapters devoted to this topic. It’s real. It was a problem then and it’s a problem today. Throughout this chapter, you can just hear the earnestness of this father pleading with his son:

  • My sons, listen to me (7)
  • Keep your way far from her (8)
  • Do not go near the door of her house (8)

The dad reveals that she is deceitful and deceptive. Her words drip like honey, but they are not honey. Her steps lead to death and she’ll take you with her. She will ruin you and destroy you. And, those words are so true. How many marriages have crashed on the rocks of adultery. How many have walked away from the Lord to embrace sin. How many children have grown up in a broken home.

Our verse today is about this woman. Not only is she ruining the lives of others, but she has ruined her own life. She doesn’t even realize it. “She does not ponder the path of life.” “Her ways are unstable, she does not know it.” She doesn’t have a clue where she is headed. Her thoughts are only about today and pleasure. Her choices have put her on a path and it’s not a good path. She is not following the steps of the Lord. She is not allowing the Lord to lead her. Her path, as easy, and fun, and enjoyable as it may seem, goes over a hill and into the face of death itself. There is no escaping. She is clueless. She doesn’t even realize where she is headed. She is unstable and doesn’t know it. She doesn’t ponder the path of life.

That expression, “ponder the path of life” certainly brings thoughts to our minds:

First, this reminds us that a person needs to observe, contemplate and take careful thought of his actions. We are all on a path. The foolish man at the end of the Lord’s sermon, chose to build upon the sand. Likely, close to the sea, which gave him a great view. Cheaper, faster and easier to build on sand than through heavy rock. All was going to be great. That was the path he chose. He never figured into his calculations the costs that comes with storms. Likewise, the young prodigal, had his eyes set on fun without rules. It was going to be great. He never considered what would happen if the money ran out. He never counted on a famine. His eyes were just a few paces in front of his feet. He never looked down the road.

Decisions and choices always take us somewhere. The direction of our lives is based upon the choices that we make. When one never gives that any thought, they will end up deep in the forest of misery, sin, and trouble and have no way of knowing how to get out.

Second, to ponder is to hit the pause button. We need that. We need to ponder what we are about to say before we say it. Some thoughts should never be expressed. Some words need to be toned down and polished up a bit. Some things will tarnish our reputation and will be hard to overcome. In recent times, how many newscasters, sport analysts have lost their jobs because they said things that they should not have. Certainly they apologize, but many have seen their careers end. It ended much sooner than they were planning. They spoke without pondering what to say. So, to ponder, is to think things through. Maybe I need to find a better word to express how I feel. Maybe I ought to calm down before I speak. Maybe I’m letting my emotions get the best of me. Ponder. Think it through. It’s much easier to stop the words before you say them than it is to clean up the mess you caused by speaking without thinking.

Third, to ponder the path of life may lead to some real changes in life. If a person was honest, with an open Bible in their hand, they may just see that their choices in life are taking them away from the Lord. Sure, they may be surrounded by friends and having a time of their lives, but where does this end up. This is the context of our passage today. This is why a dad was warning his son. Some sweet talking woman is going to get you dizzy with lust and before you know it you’ve crossed the out of bounds line and have gotten yourself into all kinds of sin and trouble. And, how many times does this happen and someone says, “I just wasn’t thinking.” And, that IS the point of this passage. Think. Ponder. This woman isn’t. And, are you going to follow her? She doesn’t know where she is going. Do you?

Satan loves to blind us to the consequences of life. But when a person ponders, they will likely make some real course adjustments. Walk a little closer to the Lord. Check that attitude more. Get back into the Bible more. Those things will cause one to switch paths and follow the Savior. God leads. The Shepherd leads by green pastures and quiet waters. Sticking close to Him will get us where we need to be.

Do you know where you are going? She didn’t. It’s time we did.



Jump Start # 2090

Jump Start # 2090

Proverbs 5:6 “She does not ponder the path of life; her ways are unstable, she does not know it.”


The first section of Proverbs are a dad’s advice to his son. Serious words that would save much pain, heartache and trouble, if only they were listened to and followed. If life allows a person to live long enough, most of us get to stand in both shoes, the child being advised by the parent and the then the parent telling the child.


When we are the child, the son, as in this chapter, we think we know. The words of the parent seem too much. What do they know, we think. We listen because we have to. But many of us didn’t listen long and many of us fell into the very trouble that dear ole’ dad was trying to prevent. Years later, as a parent, we use the same words as our parents did to us. We warn our children about the dangers lurking “out there.” It is our prayer that our children will only listen and pay attention. Deep inside, most of us hope that they do a better job of listening than what we did.


From chapter five through chapter seven, the warnings are about the adulterous woman. She’s dangerous. She’ll cost you your soul. The naïve child looks only at the beauty and listens to the sweet words that she utters and never sees the dangers that can destroy his soul.


  • She is as bitter as wormwood in the end (4)
  • Her feet lead to death (5)


Our verse today is what follows. She does not ponder the path of life. She gives no thought to the consequences of her choices. She is unstable and likely to fall any direction. She doesn’t even realize this. She does not ponder the path of life, is a grand statement. It’s in contrast to this man’s son who is thinking about life. He wants to walk with the Lord. He ponders or considers his choices. He thinks about what decisions will do to him. He weighs out in his mind whether or not such things will make him stronger or weaker.


Most of society are following the ways of this loose woman. They are not giving thought, they are not pondering life. They might say anything, even if it is mean or hurtful or even untrue. They are likely to do things without much thought. The moment grabs them. They live for now. They don’t think about tomorrow. They don’t think about down the road. Could this be one reason why so many college students flunk out every year? They are partying every night of the week, giving no thought to studying, tests or classes in the morning. It’s the moment that excites them. It’s the moment that they live for. Their shallow thinking and empty planning catches up with them. Not prepared for tests, they flunk.


And, many never learn. They get jobs and they continue to live for the moment. Staying up all hours, they become useless at work the next day. They are unable to function because of the headaches they have or the sheer exhaustion from being up too many nights in a roll. They don’t ponder.


Others, are caught in this trap by refusing to ponder what life will look like when they are no longer working. They have lived paycheck to paycheck for decades. They’ve saved nothing. They’ve made no plans for the future. And, one day, they are too old or too sick to work. Now, they are in trouble. They have nothing. They never pondered life.


But our passage is really driving at the spiritual side of things. Pondering life involves giving serious thought to eternity. Pondering life means giving thought to what happens when we die. Pondering life looks beyond the shiny trinklets that Satan dangles before us each day. It looks to our relationship with the Lord. Pondering life is about investing in God and living for God. It is Christ living in us.


Pondering—thinking…considering…dwelling upon…focusing on…meditating. These are the ideas behind pondering. It’s more than living with a purpose, it’s the desire to leave this place better than you found it. It’s helping your family and the congregation become stronger in the Lord. It’s leaving a legacy and footprints that lead to the cross.


She did not ponder her path…she didn’t think about how her actions were hurting others. She didn’t think about her choices were going to come to a dead end road. She didn’t think about how helpless and hopeless she was. She just didn’t think about it.


Ponder the path you are on. Is the path you are on leading to a strong marriage? Is the path you are on leading to a godly family? Is the path you are on pleasing the Lord? Your path is taking you someone where. Do you know where? She didn’t. She gave it no thought. And, one day she’d be in a lot of trouble and have no idea how she got there. Those that ponder do. They see very clearly where she’s headed. This is why the father is telling his son these things. You ponder your path. You see if your path ought to include her. It won’t if you are trying to please the Lord. It won’t if you want to go to Heaven.


No one finds Heaven by accident. It’s not like ancient mariners who accidently discovered new lands. We won’t be doing that. Heaven is designed for those who have pondered their path. They know right where they are going. Every word, every thought, every action—calculated and weighed in the balances of Heaven.


Know where the road you are on takes you before you get too far down the road.

