Jump Start # 2317

Jump Start # 2317

Romans 15:1 “Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves.”

In every relationship there are moments of disagreements and times we bump each other. In the game of basketball, those bumps are called fouls. Too many fouls and one watches the rest of the game from the bench. But in life, we don’t call fouls. What we do is complain, gossip, cry, ignore, or push back. Those who walk with Christ forgive. Unlike basketball, there are no refs in life. There is no one to blow a whistle and call us out when our attitude is out of line or when we have been offensive, or when a remark should not have been uttered. We must police ourselves. We must watch what we say and how we say it.


Those who walk with Christ are careful about that. Those who don’t, won’t care. They leave a trail of destruction behind them. Our verse today, is not directed towards the world, because the world wouldn’t get this. You must be with Christ before these words make sense. The verse ends with “not just please ourselves.” To the world, what else is there, other than please your self. That’s the basis of marriage, according to the world. That’s why people are rude, offensive, impatient, prejudice and hate these days. They just care about themselves. No, these words are for Christians.


Romans 14 and 15 are tied together by the same subject matter. The issue at hand was whether or not Christians could eat meats that had been sacrificed to idols. Some could. Some that bothered. Does that mean one is condoning idolatry? Does that mean one is supporting idols? Does that compromise the purity of the Gospel? Tough questions and tough places to be in. It seems crystal clear to us, but it wasn’t for them. To make things more difficult, what if someone in the church did the opposite of you? Did that mean they were wrong? Were you wrong? Could we be in unity and disagree like this? It was enough to splinter churches today. I expect that would be the solution most would turn to. We’d have a meat-eating church and a veggie church. But dividing was never discussed in these chapters. What is talked about is how to stop judging one another and how to get along.


Our verse is just one of several principles that outline the steps of how they were to survive. The strong had to look out for the weak. The strong had to tolerate, be patient and help the weak. The strong were not to do whatever they wanted to do. They were not to please just themselves. They had to think about the other guy.


Now some thoughts:


First, why should the strong bear the weak? The apostle said so. God says so. In God’s kingdom it is not the survival of the fittest or the strong who dominate over the weak. Power and might do not rule. Consideration of each other keeps everyone going. It’s like seeing a family at the airport. They are all pulling different sizes of suitcases. The little guy is tagging behind. The dad, stops and waits for him. The strong help the weak. This is not just being kind, which we are supposed to be, this helps us to stay together and be together. Our worship, our journey is not individual, but together. We pray for one another. We help one another.


Second, there are subjects, there are issues, there are applications in which you and I are sometimes strong and other times weak. The topic at hand in Romans 15 is about eating meats. On that topic, some were strong and others were weak. But switch the topic, and you might find the strong are now weak and the weak are now strong. It’s a stretch to think that the strong are strong all the time and on all topics. Likewise, the weak are not necessarily weak in faith as 1 Thessalonians 5 discusses. They are weak in regards to eating meats sacrificed to idols. They may be strong in attendance. Strong in prayer. Strong in sound doctrine. Our convictions and our consciences and our opinions are shaped by our understanding of God’s word but they are also colored by our experiences and our past.


Third, throughout our journey, one may move from being weak to being strong. As one learns, grows, thinks things out, he may see things differently. At first, he may have been influenced by how he was brought up. Maybe his parents were also weak in these areas. But as time passes and as he associates with strong brethren, he begins to see things differently. His opinions change. He understands where the strong are coming from and in time, he even agrees with them. I think this is what Paul was hoping would happen in Rome. Help them. Show them. Be patient with them. Don’t write them off. Don’t run them off. Don’t judge nor condemn them. And, don’t just please yourself.


Fourth, I wonder what worship would look like if each person had their own way. For starters, some probably would rather have worship in the afternoon and sleep in during the mornings. Others are early risers. They’d probably like to start worship around 6 A.M. Some really like singing, and if they had their way, we’d probably have forty songs each worship. Others would like to see more preaching.


What is interesting about our verse is that it is not about worship. It’s about eating and the eating was done not in the church building (they didn’t have church buildings) but in the home. Which tells us that even when we leave the worship and we go home, I can’t say “what happens in my house is no one else’s business.” That is another way of saying, “I am going to do what I want to do,” or as our verse expresses it, “please yourself.” Can’t do that. We are connected now. We are family now. We must be thinking of the other person. How would others know what was happening in their homes? They would see each other in the market places buying food, and here, it’s meat. They would be in each other’s homes.


The prevailing thought is to be considerate of others. Don’t put your blinders on and ignore the feelings of others. Don’t go through life thinking, “that’s their problem.” The strong ones need to help the weak ones. And, to do this the best, we must remember that we are all in this together.





Jump Start # 395

Jump Start # 395 

Romans 15:1 “Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves.”

 This verse is one of those relationship passages that remind us that we are connected to each other. We need each other, whether we want to admit it or not. Often it’s the “not” category for most of us. Certainly, on Sunday worship we need a preacher, song leader and someone to get the Lord’s Supper ready for the rest of us, but that’s about the extent of it. Through the week we get along pretty good on our own. Who are we kidding? We need each other all the time. We need the prayers of others. We need their encouragement. We need to know that they are there for us. And they need us!

  Romans 14-15 are chapters about this connection. One of the things a person finds out very quickly is that not everyone thinks the way I do. Some are different. Some come from different backgrounds and some have had different experiences. The Roman church had a mixture of Jewish and Roman backgrounds. This mixture was upsetting because not everyone did the same things. Some could eat meats, some couldn’t. Some observed special days, others didn’t. When the “did’s” and the “didn’ts” got together, it caused raised eyebrows, whispers and judging. The immediate thought is, because you are different, you are wrong. Wrong is a favorite word of many people. Their definition of “wrong” is anything that I don’t like. The music is wrong, because I don’t like that type of music. The car you drive is wrong, because I don’t like that brand. You watch wrong shows on TV, because I don’t like those shows. This spills over into the spiritual. You are wrong spiritually, means to some, you are sinning. Some use the expressions, “wrong,” and “you are sinning,” to get a person to do what they want them to do. It’s the ultimate gift—GUILT. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. They pressure, they talk, they judge (a real problem here in Romans) and they condemn. Eventually, if you don’t change, they stop having anything to do with you.

  Religious people like to judge. I’ve noticed that. I fight that. One reason is that we care for others and we don’t want them to be “wrong” (there’s our word again). God has a place for judging and as a church we have to. Fellowship is determined by walking in light (1 Jn 1:7). How do we know who is walking in the light and who is in the dark without some examination or judging.

  All of this brings two central thoughts for us:

1. It is God who determines what is right and what is wrong. That was the problem in Romans 14. God had accepted both the weak and the strong. You may do something that I don’t like and in my thinking, I’d never do it myself, but there is a difference with dislike and sinful. Sin is a violation of God’s law. Putting the label, “sinful” on something doesn’t mean it is. God determines what He accepts and what He doesn’t. There are some things that are not sinful, even though I don’t like them. That’s hard for some of us to deal with. It was hard for the Romans, that’s why we have two chapters on this stuff. It’s wrong because God’s word says so and not because I say so.

2. We ought to spend more time judging ourselves than the rest of creation. Some can be so quick to point fingers and shout, “That’s wrong,” yet do they do that to themselves. Some seem to be so worried about what other churches are doing, what’s going on in other congregations, more than what’s going on in their own hearts. The emphasis in the NT is looking intently at the perfect law of liberty. Doing this will cause us to examine ourselves and make adjustments to please God.

  Our verse today shows these thoughts. First, quit pleasing yourself. Quit just thinking about yourself. It’s not always about ME. That leads me to learn to bear the weaknesses of others. This is not tolerating sin. God wants us to repent of sin, not “bear” sin. Weaknesses are things that conscience won’t allow a person to do. Not sinful, just dislikes. My grandpa would never cut his yard on Sunday. That’s just the way he was. It could be that Sunday was the only day it wasn’t raining, he still wouldn’t cut on that day. Is it sinful to cut grass on Sunday? No (unless you skip church and that’s another problem). We all have things like that. I don’t like preaching without wearing a tie (and it best be a good one). Is it wrong to preach without a tie? No. I’m certain that Jesus never wore a tie. It’s just me. Now I know some preachers that never preach in ties. Are they “wrong”? No. Are they sinning? No. I’m the same way about wearing blue jeans to church services. Wrong? No. Just me. Now how am I to act toward those who come Sunday, without a tie and wearing blue jeans? Do I roll my eyes and avoid them? No. Who is weak on this? Them or me? I’m not sure, it may be me! I can pressure them to change and they can pressure me to change. We can get so tense that we split and have a “tie only, no blue jean church” and a “no tie, only blue jean church.” To that, Jesus would roll His eyes. Get along, is the message. If it’s not wrong, then quit trying to change them into you and quit acting as if they have done something wrong.

  Some come from work straight to church services wearing nursing uniforms and other outfits that they are required to wear at work. We can roll our eyes and wrinkle our lips at them and in disgust say, ‘why don’t they go home first and change,’ (which probably means they wouldn’t be able to make it at all) or we can be thankful that at the end of a busy day they made time for the Lord.

  The list is long on our differences. We are not all the same. It helps to remember that God has accepted us as we are, quirks and all, and we need to do the same with others.

  We need each other! We all need Jesus!
