Jump Start # 1101

Jump Start # 1101

Ephesians 5:15-16 “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.”

  Time—what a valuable thing time is. Yesterday I witnessed two opposite perspectives about time. I visited a man in jail. For him, time seems to stand still. The days are long and boring. We use the expression for one locked up, “doing time.” That’s exactly what was happening to him. He was doing time. Finding ways to be productive and meaningful are a struggle for one in jail.


Later in the day I had a few email conversations with a man who is struggling with cancer. His concern is also time. He wants more of it. He wants to be around to see his daughters grow and get married. Time is escaping rapidly for him.


Two different people—for one, time seems to stand still. For the other, time is flying by too fast. Why is it that way? It’s a matter of what one is doing and perspective. Most have experienced both sides of time. I recall when my kids were school age waiting to pick them up from some practice. It seemed to take forever for them to get to the car. God was working on my patience, I believe. Then, there are some very fun and happy occasions, such as a wedding in a family, that you put so much energy in, and once the day arrives, it just seems to go by so quickly. Some things seem to go fast and other things go slow. Sitting in the dentist chair may seem slow. Listening to sermons may seem slow. Watching a great movie, time flies.


The reality is that time moves the same. It’s the same for all of us. For the guy running down the aisle of the airport hurrying to make his flight, time moves the same for him, as it does the bored high school student sitting in study hall. Sitting in construction traffic, time moves the same, as it does when you are playing a game on your phone or tablet. Time moves the same for the President as it does the street bum. Time moves the same overseas as it does here in the states. Time moves the same today as it did in our grandparents days. Time moved the same for Abraham as it did for Jesus as it does for us.


The secret to time is found in our verse today, ’making the most of your time.’ That’s the secret. That’s the key. We waste time. We “do nothing.” Often, we do not optimize making the most. The Galatians were told, ’While you have opportunity, let us do good to all…’  While. After a while, you don’t have opportunity. Sometimes opportunity comes when we are not ready.


Make the most of your time. This is important for many reasons.


First, there is only so much time in our life. My cancer friend understands that probably better than I do.


Second, some things can only be done once. They must be done right. Teaching and training your kids is one of those things. You waste time trying to ’find yourself’ as some say, and the kids will grow. Nothing stops that. You can’t put them on hold for a couple of months or years, get your act together and then take up where you left them. Doesn’t work like a movie. I started watching a James Cagney gangster movie the other night. Fell asleep. I paused it and will catch up with it another evening. Works great with movies. Never works with kids. You can’t take a twenty-five year old and bring him home and start teaching him. Too late. Some things in life you get only one chance.


Third, age, ability impact things. There comes a time when you can’t do things you once did. It’s hard to realize that there are some things that a person will never do again. My dad always golfed. We have golfed many times together. Today, his golfing days are over. He may ride in a cart with us. He may putt a little, but physically, he just can’t do it. I see that and I realize the same will happen to me if I live long enough. The time will come when I can’t write Jump Starts. The time will come when I can no longer preach. I guess I’ll sit in a chair and stay out the window. I can’t imagine what I’ll do, but for now, it’s time to bust it and put all the energy I have into what I do. As Jesus says, ‘Night is coming when no man can work.’


So here are a few suggestions about making the most of your time:


  • Be organized. Too much time is wasted looking for stuff, going back and forth to stores, or getting side tracked. Be organized in your thoughts, in your plans for the day, in your work and in the things you need to accomplish your tasks. Preachers need to learn this. Too many are proud of messy offices, but in reality, too many can’t find a thing in all their stacks of stuff. File papers. Use computer programs to keep things organized. Put stuff back so you can find it the next time. Make the most of your time…are we hearing that?


  • Make a plan. What are you going to do today? What are you doing this week? The plan includes things at work, home and church house. Many do not read the Bible much because they don’t have a plan. I try to read three books a month. I set out what books I want to read and that’s my plan. Everyday I have set things I want to accomplish. Shepherd’s in the church would do well to be more organized. Have a list of members that they want to visit every week. In a short time, they are connecting with everyone. Bible class teachers must stay on target if they expect to finish the assigned class in a set quarter. Make a plan.


  • Find the best ways to do your work. Learn. Study from others. Ask questions. Become efficient and effective. Throw out old models that do not work for you.


  • Put thought into your day. This was my advice to the guy in jail and the cancer patient. They both had time concerns. They both wanted help. The answer to both, even though they wanted different things from time, was to put thought into it. For the man in jail, it’s finding ways to be busy and not bored. It’s using time to strengthen the soul and resolve from his mistakes. For the cancer patient, it’s realizing that everyone has just today. Make today the best you can. Put thought into what legacy you would leave your family. Put your energies into making things smooth for them when he’s gone. It’s enjoying every moment with his family.


Time. Make the most of it. When waiting on kids, pray. When stuck in traffic, call someone to cheer them up. Use your time. Make time your friend not your enemy. Staying up too late, starting the day tired and cranky ruins moments and misses opportunities. Be looking. Be watching. There are teaching moments every day. There are moments to shine the light every day. There are times to speak up and speak out every day. There are opportunities every day to impact your children.


There are times every day…make the most. Are you?

